Chapter 22

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"Are you really sure you want to do this?" Ben looked at Roger, who was hesitantly eying the doorbell of his parents' house, a hint of anxiousness written on his face. He swallowed, then grabbed Ben's hand and squeezed it tightly.
"Yes." The sound of the doorbell was shrill when his finger pushed down on it.  The two men exchanged one last glance, seeking reassurance in each other's eyes, before a middle aged woman in festive attire opened the door for them. She smiled at the sight of her son.

"Roger, my boy! It's so good to see you, merry Christmas!" She wrapped her arms around him and, before he could stop her, pulled him into a hug. When her eyes wandered over to Ben, she seemed less excited in an instant. Ben pretended not to notice the change in her expression and put on a polite half smile.
"It's nice to see you too, mom," Roger mumbled, as he freed himself from her forceful embrace.

"This is Ben," Roger introduced him. Ben held out his right hand. In his left he was holding a box of pralines he and Roger had picked out as a gift.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs Taylor. Merry Christmas to you." She hesitantly shook his hand.
"Right. Your... Roommate." Ben heard Roger drawing in a sharp breath. As soon as his mother broke the handshake, Ben put his free arm around Roger.
"These are for you and your husband," Ben said, and handed her the box. Her expression softened a little.
"Thank you. That is nice. Let's go inside, shall we?"

She stepped aside and Ben followed Roger into the house. It was pleasently warm in the hallway, and from the next room, which had to be the kitchen, came the scent of a delicious holiday meal.
"Roger, you take care of your guest for me, will you? Your father hasn't gotten ready in time, you know how he is," Roger's mother rattled down. Without waiting for a response, she hurried up the stairs.
"Michael! They are here. I told you to hurry up!" Ben couldn't help but chuckle at Roger's annoyed expression.
"Is she always like this?" Roger shook his head.
"Worse." He took Ben's coat and hung it up on a rack by the door.

"Well well, if it isn't the family dentist." A younger woman or girl, Ben wasn't quite sure of her age, came through the kitchen door. She had the same playful smirk as Roger on her face.
"If it isn't the uglier sibling," he said. The girl flipped her hair over her shoulder in a swift motion of her hand.
"Oh yeah, that works too. But what am I then?", she contered. Roger rolled his eyes, but his lips didn't hide his amusement.

"Ben, this is Clare, my annoying little sister," he introduced her. The two shook hands, and Clare regarded both Ben and her brother with a knowing smile.
"So. You two are boyfriends then?"
"Roommates," Roger nearly hissed. She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Sure," she said sarcastically.

"Is the table all set?", Roger tried to change the subject, and squeezed himself past her through the kitchen door. Clare didn't let him get away so easily.
"If this is about mom and dad, don't worry. I won't tell them. But at least be honest with me." Roger looked at her, then his eyes wandered to Ben, a look of uncertainty clouded his face.

"We're not really..." He stopped, not knowing what to say.
"We haven't put a label on it yet," Ben helped him out. Clare nodded.
"Alright. Good to know. Either way you don't have to worry. I won't say anything." The three sat down at a long wooden table with fancy porcelain plates and silver cutlery on it, aswell as some Christmas decorations. Ben took his seat next to Roger, and Clare across from them.
"Actually, mom already knows," Roger clarified. Clare looked surprised.
"Really? When did you tell her?"
"Just a few days ago. She doesn't want me to come out to anyone else yet. But I don't know if I should listen to her." His sister tilted her head, thinking.

"I don't know how dad would react," she said.
"Me neither. But to be honest I wasn't even sure how you would take it," Roger admitted. Clare looked bewildered.
"Well, we never talked about it. And I just didn't wanna risk-" Clare propped her elbows up on the table, resting her chin on her hands.
"Roger... You really are an idiot sometimes."
"How was I supposed to know?"

"Oh I don't know," Clare said, "maybe the fact that I had a girlfriend two years ago could have given it away." Roger faltered.
"Wait what?" Clare silently glared at him as his expression slowly changed from confusion to realization.
"Oh...", was all he said. Ben laughed.
"Well, looks like your gaydar is broken honey."
"Does he even have one?", Clare teased.
"Of course I do. I knew Freddie was gay."
"Oh wow. That's seriously impressive," Ben joked. Roger smacked his arm.
"Whose side are you even on?"

"The correct side," Clare said, and initiated a fist bump which Ben happily accepted.
Roger sighed dramatically.
"Unbelievable..." Ben brought a hand up to Roger's cheek.
"Don't worry, you're still my favorite." A faint blush appeared on Roger's face.
"I better be," he mumbled.
"Oh, by the way, Rog," Clare said.
"Did you know that Ben is also gay?" Roger opened his mouth to say something, but in that moment they heard the sounds of footsteps coming down the staircase in the entryway. Ben instinctively moved his chair a little further away from Roger's, and the siblings fell silent.

They looked up when Mr and Mrs Taylor entered the room. Roger stood up from his chair, and Ben followed his lead.
"Hello, dad." Roger said, his voice barely more than a whisper. Michael looked from his son to Ben, as if to ask for an explanation.
"Hello, sir. My name is Benjamin Jones. I am Roger's roommate," Ben introduced himself.
"Yes, Winifred has told me about you," Michael responded. Many things lingered in his voice, hospitality wasn't one of them. For a moment his gaze returned to Roger, then, without another word, he sat down at the head end of the table.

Hey guys! I hope you're all doing alright. I certainly am. Ya boi started t this week! 🏳️‍⚧️

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and that you're all ready for what is about to ensue. Until next week!


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