Chapter 18

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Later that evening Roger was hovering over a baking book, in search of a recipe for Christmas biscuits. Ben and Freddie sat next to him at the table, discussing their plans for the holidays.
"I think I will stay with my family for the whole weekend," Freddie said.
"What about you two?" Ben looked at Roger, passing the question on to him.
"Oh uh, I don't know exactly. You don't have anyone else to celebrate with, do you Ben?" Ben shook his head.
"No, but it's fine if you want to see your family. I'll just go to some bar or something."

"That's completely out of the question," Roger insisted.
"I'm not going to let you spend Christmas alone. I just have to figure out what I'm going to tell my parents... Unless you don't want to meet them of course."
Taken by surprise, Ben didn't know what to say.
"I... That... Are you sure?" Freddie smirked at the two.
"Why, just tell them how it is. Since you are just roommates and in no way boyfriends, there shouldn't be a problem, right?" Roger glared at him.
"What?", Freddie said defensively, "You have a whole week to learn to act like normal people around each other. Your parents will be none the wiser."

"Maybe my parents, but my sister might catch on to something. She knows me too well. It's been a real struggle hiding my sexuality from her the whole time. And I don't know how she would react or if she would keep quiet about it." Ben frowned.
"Do you think they wouldn't be accepting of you?" Roger shrugged.
"I don't know. To be honest, I always hoped that I would never have to tell them. But now I wish I would have done it sooner. If they react poorly you shouldn't have to deal with it. Especially after what happened with your family."

Ben still felt guilty about his lie. He and Freddie exchanged a brief look, acknowledging the uncomfortable situation. Ben took Roger's hands in his.
"Don't worry about me. Your coming out should only be about you. You don't have to tell them yet if you don't want to. But if you do, then they can know about me even if they aren't accepting. I will have your back. I promise." A small smile crept onto Roger's face.
"Thanks," he said quietly.

"And I will be there to kick the asses of everyone who gives you a hard time," Freddie chimed in. Roger let out a chuckle, the sound of it was like music to Ben's ears. Once again Ben got lost in the beauty of his face lighting up with joy.
"You can start with yourself then," Roger teased. Freddie crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Typical. You play the wingman for your roommates and all you get is complaints."

"Well geez, Fred. Do you want a biscuit for that or what?", Ben playfully recited him.
"Absolutely. Speaking of, have you found a recipe yet?" Freddie leaned over the table to get a better look at the book in front of Roger.
"I have. But it says here that the dough will need to rest in the fridge for three hours. Should we still make it tonight?" Ben shrugged.
"I have nothing against a late night baking session."
"Me neither," Freddie agreed.

They moved the record player from Roger's room into the kitchen and put on music before getting to work. It was already dark outside, and the yellow light in the room gave a cozy atmosphere. As the three of them were preparing the dough, and Roger and Freddie continued their friendly banter, Ben realized that, for the first time since he came here, he really felt at home.

Roger tried some of the dough that was stuck to his hand.
"I think this needs more sugar," he said.
"How much?", Ben asked, sceptically eyeing the almost empty bag on the counter.
"I don't know, more," Roger said as he wiped his hands on a kitchen towel.
"We already used a lot. Are you sure?", Freddie asked. Roger hummed contemplatively.

"No... Not really. I might just be desensitized to sweetness thanks to Ben." Before Ben knew what was happening, Roger had already wrapped his arms around him and pulled him in for a kiss.  His lips were soft like velvet and the taste of biscuit dough was still lingering on his tongue. With his eyes fluttering shut, Ben melted into the kiss. It was the longest, most tender one they had shared yet. When Roger pulled back, he grinned at Ben.
"Yeah, that's much better," he said. Ben felt his cheeks getting warm as both Roger and Freddie were looking at him, waiting for a reaction. He cleared his throat.
"Well uh, thanks," he mumbled.

The next three hours went by like minutes. They opened up a bottle of wine and played cards. Another three bottles and they were dancing through the living room until they collapsed on the floor laughing. Ben was serving as a pillow for Roger and Freddie. At some point the two started telling Ben tales about their childhood, and how they had met a few years ago. Ben was really trying to pay attention, but the alcohol was making him tired. After a while, he dozed off.

A loud gasp startled him awake not long after.
"Roger, what did you do?", Freddie sighed. Disoriented, Ben looked around. He was now laying on the sofa. Roger and Freddie were standing at the kitchen table. Ben got up and walked over to them as fast as he could without tripping. Which was quite slow. The two had started to decorate the biscuits. Roger had spilled a whole can of colorful sugar sprinkles all across the table. Completely unfazed, he turned to Ben.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Freddie regarded him with a look that was usually reserved for misbehaving dogs.
"Yes, it really isn't."

"Hey, don't criticize my art," Roger pouted. Freddie sighed in frustration.
"This isn't art, it's a mess."
"That sounds like a problem for sober people," Roger said.
"It sounds like a problem for sober Roger," Freddie corrected him. Roger nodded proudly.
"Right, I am a people." Ben put an arm around Roger's waist.
"I think it looks great," he said. Freddie rolled his eyes.
"Of course you do," he mumbled.

Hey guys! As always, I hope that you liked this chapter. I am unfortunately still struggling to write, so I still can't get back on the old schedule. I hope you all don't mind. Anyway, until next time,


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