Chapter 1: Kansas to LA PT. 1

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      Hi. My name is Yn Golbach. Yes, you got that right "Golbach" as in Sam Golbach. I'm his adopted sister. I live in Kansas. And I'm getting ready to move to LA to be closer to my brother. My parents are unsure about me moving away. But I'm 25 years old and I think it's time I leave the nest.

      I hear my mom's voice yelling for me. "Yn Ymn Golbach!!!" my mother yells for me. I yell back at her. "Yes mom?" She comes to the bottom of the stairs where I can hear her. "Are you ready to go?" she yells up the stairs. Oh that's right. I'm getting my things ready to go to LA. I totally forgot about that. "Yes mom. I'm just grabbing my stuff. Can dad help me carry my bags down?!" I yelled back. "Of course sweetheart." she says back.

      I hear my parents talking while I'm grabbing some of my things.

Mr. and Mrs. Golbach's POV:

      "Honey, can you help Yn?" Mrs. Golbach asked her husband. He replies with "Yes." As he walks up the stairs to Yn's bedroom.

Back to Yn's POV:

      I hear my father walking up the stairs and he stands at my door. "Hey sweetie. Let me help you." he says as he grabs a couple of my suitcases. I smile at my dad, because he is the only person that stepped up including my mom. Since I cam here. "Thanks dad. I'm excited to see Sam again." I say as I grab my phone and my purse. "I know honey. It's been awhile. Don't forget to let us know when you get to the house. Do you have Sam's girlfriend's number?" he says as they are walking down the stairs. "Yes I do. I'm going to text her once I'm on the plane." I replied as we get to the bottom of the stairs. My dad smiles at me, "Okay sweetie."

*Colby doesn't remember what you look like*

*It's been 5 years*

      We load up the bags into my parents' car and we head to the airport. As we are traveling I'm looking out the window, taking in all the places I am going to miss. Once I get to LA. It takes us about 1 hour to get to the airport. I tell my parents I can walk inside the airport on my own. But I asked my dad to help me check in my bags for me while I'm checking in my carry on.

      We all say our goodbyes, without crying. But I know my parents cried when they were hugging me. I know I was. They have been the only ones that cared about me. While I was on the plane, waiting for take off. I call Sam's girlfriend, Kat.

 I call Sam's girlfriend, Kat

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Our Conversation:

Y: *calling Katrina*

K: Hey girl.

Y: Is Sam around?

K: No, he's with Colby filming an YouTube video. Are you on the plane?

Y: Yes I am. Should be there soon. Don't let Sam know yet.

K: I know. Can't wait to meet you!!

Y: I can't wait to meet you to. Is my room ready?

K: Yup. Me and the girls got it ready without the boys knowing.

Y: Can't wait. Got to go now. Plane is about to take off.

K: See you soon. I'll text you the address to the house.

Y: Okay. See you then *hangs up the phone*

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