Chapter 18: Telling Sam about Colby & Yn

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K: Hey girl. What's up?

Y: Colby asked me out.

D, T & K: Really? What did you say? Please say you said yes.

D, T & K: Really? What did you say? Please say you said yes.

D, T & K: Really? What did you say? Please say you said yes.

Y: Of course I said yes. Colby and I are going to talk to Sam and tell him.

D, T & K: About time girl. Hope everything goes okay. Want Kat to go with you, to talk to Sam?

D, T & K: About time girl. Hope everything goes okay. Want Kat to go with you, to talk to Sam?

D, T & K: About time girl. Hope everything goes okay. Want Kat to go with you, to talk to Sam?

Y: Of course Kat.

K: Then let's get going.

Y: Right.

We head upstairs to wait for Sam and Colby to come in. I think to myself and wondering how Sam is going to take the news about me and Colby. Myself and Kat talk to ourselves until we hear Sam and Colby knock.

K: How do you think Sam is going to take the news?

Y: I hope he takes the news well.

When we both hear a knock on the door, not knowing if it is Sam or Colby, first. We find out it is Colby first and he walks inside.

Y: Hey Colbs. Did you see Sam?

C: I saw him coming upstairs when I knock on the door.

Then we hear another knock on the door and all three of us know it is Sam this time. Sam walks in and sees Kat and Colby standing in the room.

Y: Come on in Sam.

S: What's Colby and Kat doing here sis?

Y: Because I asked them to be here. Please have a seat bro.

We all sit down and we start having an conversation.

S: What's on your mind?

Y: Please don't be mad.

S: What's going on?

Y: You know Colby and I have been friends since mom and dad adopted me into the family.

S: Yes.

Y: I like Colby a lot.

S: Yes, I have known since day 1.

Y: You have?

S: Yes, I have known.

Y: Now Colby you say the next thing.

C: Fine. Sam, Yn and I started seeing each other for a couple of weeks and just today. I asked her out.

S: I'm happy for you two. I'm glad my best friend is happy and so is my sister. So, I'm not mad. Thanks for telling me sis and Colby.

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