Chapter 20: Meeting Stas

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*Kat's POV:*

I go and answers the door and it's Stas at the door. I smile and hug her.

K: Hey girl. Ready for tomorrow?

Stas: Not really?

K: Someone is coming with us tomorrow.

Stas: Who is it?

K: Sam's sister, who is also Colby's girlfriend.

Stas: Let's meet her.

Back to my POV:

Kat and Stas comes back over to us. They come into the pool with us.

~Stas changed into an swimsuit before coming back outside~

S: Hey Stas

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S: Hey Stas.

Stas: Hey Sam. Who's this lucky girl who is dating my best friend?

Y: Hi. I'm Sam's sister and Colby's girlfriend.

Stas: Hi. I'm Stas.

Y: It's nice to meet you.

Stas: It's nice to meet you too.

It's been three hours and everyone has gone home. And all the roommates went upstairs. I'm in my room packing my bags for the trip tomorrow. When there is a knock on the door, I tell the person to come in. Kat walks inside my room.

K: Hey Yn?

Y: Yes *I say as I'm finishing packing*

K: Can Stas sleep in your bed tonight?

Y: Sure. I'll go sleep with Colby tonight.

K: Thanks girl. Can you let her know? She's on the couch.

Y: Sure thing.

Kat leaves my room and a few minutes later, I walk downstairs to the living room. I see Stas on the couch, playing on her phone.

Y: Hey Stas.

Stas: Yes?

Y: You can sleep in my bed tonight. I don't mind. So, you don't have sleep on the couch.

Stas: Are you sure?

Y: Of course. I'm going to stay in Colby's room.

Stas: Thanks girl. Can you show me to your room?

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