Chapter 50: Colby Leaving LA to Kansas

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I hang up the phone and I stand there, thinking what just happen. I have no idea what I'm going to do about my relationship with Yn. I go to my bedroom and I slammed that door hard, knowing Sam, Yn, Stas, and Kat could hear it and felt the door slammed.

Back to my POV:

While we are sitting there talking to each other. We hear Colby's and I's bedroom slam really hard. Sam, Kat, and Stas looks at me. Now knowing what to do about this situation.

Sam: Was that Colby?

Stas: Think so.

Kat: He sounds mad.

Yn: I'll go check on him.

Sam, Kat & Stas: Okay.

Sam, Kat & Stas: Okay.

Sam, Kat & Stas: Okay.

I leave Sam's and Kat's bedroom. I walk over to Colby's and I's room. And I open the door and sees Colby packing his bags. I get sad, knowing he's leaving.

Yn: Babe?

He doesn't respond or look at me. For the longest time. Until I walk over to him. Then he finally hears me talking to him.

Yn: Colbs?

Colby: Hi babe.

Yn: Why are you packing?

Colby: My parents want to talk to me in person.

Yn: How long will you be gone?

Colby: I'll let you know baby. Come here princess.

I try not to cry as I walk over to Colby and I hug him tight, while wrapping my arms around his neck. Not wanting to let him go.

 Not wanting to let him go

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Colby: I love you babe.

Yn: I love you too Colbs.

We fell asleep together, while cuddling each other. Knowing he is leaving in the morning to go to Kansas. He says his goodbyes to everyone and including me. I take it hard for the rest of the day, plus two days after that.

 I take it hard for the rest of the day, plus two days after that

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