Chapter 2: Kansas to LA PT. 2

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I hang up the phone as the flight attendant was giving the take off speech

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I hang up the phone as the flight attendant was giving the take off speech. About 5 hours later. I landed in LA, while looking around at scene of the whole LA life. I finally called a taxi to take me to the house. The guy was nice enough to help me with my bags into the trunk as we had a nice conversation on the way to the house.

Our Conversation: 

T: Where you from?

Y: I'm from Kansas.

T: What you doing in LA?

Y: Moving in with some friends *gives him the address, so he knows where to go*

T: I hope you enjoy your stay here. It's different from Kansas. I'm sure of it.

Y: It is so different from Kansas.

The taxi driver makes it to the house and helps me unload the car. I give him some money money plus an tip. He smiles at me and drives away. I walk up to the door and knocks on the door. While looking around at the house and then I hear the door open. I see this girl with Pink/Black hair. So, I'm guessing that is Sam's girlfriend Katrina.

Our Conversation:

K: You must be Yn?

Y: That's me. You must be Kat?

K: Yep. That's me.

Y: Is he back yet?

K: Nope. Not yet. Tara and Devyn come here?!

She calls this other people over to the door and I see two young ladies. One has brownish hair and the other one has colorful hair like Katrina.

 One has brownish hair and the other one has colorful hair like Katrina

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Our Conversation:

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Our Conversation:

K: This is Yn, Sam's sister. Yn, this is Tara and Devyn. The other two girls that lives here in this house.

Y: Hello. I'm Yn Golbach.

T: I'm Tara.

D: I'm Devyn.

K: Let's get you upstairs. Before Sam and Colby get back.

Y: Great idea.

We all head upstairs to my new bedroom

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We all head upstairs to my new bedroom. Which is beautiful. I thank the girls for decorating my room for me. We all talk for awhile to get to know each other. Us girls talk for about 1 hour before Sam and Colby get back to the house. Kat tells me to wait about 15 minutes before coming downstairs and I agreed. So, Kat, Devyn, and Tara walks downstairs to meet Sam and Colby.

Kat's POV:

"Sammy! You are back!" I say to my wonderful boyfriend Samuel Golbach. Colby chimes in also, "It's nice to see you too, Kat." He says. We talk for awhile until Sam hears someone coming downstairs.

Back to my POV:

I walk downstairs to Sam and Colby. And when I tell this man Colby Brock was fine. I'm not kidding around. This man is hot and I wish he was mine. I stare at Colby for a few minutes, before I was bought back to reality.

Our Conversation:

K: Hey baby.

S: Hey babe.

K: How was filming?

S: It was good.

C: Got some good shots.

K: Nice.

~Sam hears me coming downstairs~

S: Who's coming downstairs?

Y: That will be your sister!

S: Yn?!

C: Yn?!

Y: Hey bro. Colby Brock?! Is that you?!

S: What are you doing here?

C: Oh my god! Little Yn is all grown up.

Y: I moved here. Mom and dad let me move out here. Yes. Colby I'm all grown up.

S: When did you get here?

Y: About 1 hour and 15 minutes ago.

S: I'm so happy to have you here.

Y: It's so good to be out of our parents house.

S: I bet.

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