Chapter 6: Clown Tunnel PT. 2 (watch the video)

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We get to the location where we are filming the video. I get more nervous the whole way there, because something feels off. But I don't want to say anything to Sam and Colby about my feelings I have.

We get there and guess who has the nerve to ask me to talk to them once we get out of the car. Amber, the girlfriend of the man I love. Here goes nothing I guess.

Our conversation:

S: Are you nervous, Yn?

Y: A little bit.

S: I'm excited to have you film with us sis.

Y: I'm happy to be with my friends and Amber.

A: Can I talk to you, Yn, before the cameras are on?

Y: I guess.

We get out of the car and Kat whispers to me.

K: *whispers* Are you going to be okay?

Y: Yes I will be.

Sam, Colby, and Kat walks away.

Y: What do you want to talk about?

A: Why are you calling my boyfriend, Colbs.

Y: He's been my friend since I was 15 years old.

A: Don't call him Colbs again. Or we will have problems.

Y: *laughs* Whatever dude.

I walk away and heads towards, Sam, Colby, and Kat.

C: Everything okay?

Y: No.

C: What's wrong?

Y: How long have I called you, Colbs?

C: Since you were 15.

Y: Then tell your girlfriend that. She said if I called you Colbs again. There will be problems.

C: Don't let her bother you.

S: Everyone ready?

C: Yes.

Sam turns on the camera and starts to talk into the camera. I still get shy when it comes to being on camera. But I do it all the time before I move to LA to be closer to Sam.

The conversation:

S: *into the camera* Hey guys. It's Sam and Colby. Welcome back to another video. We are joined by Katrina Stuart. Amber Scholl and my sister Yn Golbach.

K: Hey guys!!

Y: Hey everyone!!

A: *waves* Hey!!

C: Today, we are exploring an tunnel called the Clown Tunnel.

S: Let's go.

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