Chapter 39: Yn Ran Away From the Yelling

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As Sam walks inside the room. He starts yelling at Colby and I cry as the girls pull me into a hug. Knowing that this shouldn't have happen to me.

I feel safe in Kat's and Stas's arms.

Colby's POV:

As I kiss Yn back and wipes her tears away. She leaves the room and lets Sam into the room. Sam starts yelling as soon as he enters the room.

Sam: Why did you just have sex with my sister?!

Colby: Because she's my girlfriend!!

Sam: But she's my sister!!

Colby: I love her Sam, more than anything!!

Sam: You were just talking to Amber again.

I knew I fucked up major on that one.

Colby: Dude, really she's outside!!

Back to my POV:

I hear Sam say that and I start to get sad. I look at Kat and Stas.

Yn: Did you and Stas know that he was talking to Amber?

Kat & Stas: We couldn't tell you, Colby made us promise not to tell you.

Kat & Stas: We couldn't tell you, Colby made us promise not to tell you.

Yn: I can't believe this!!

And just like that I ran out of the hotel and go somewhere far away.

Kat's POV:

Stas and I run into the hotel room. We are both yelling.

Stas & Kat: She's gone!

Stas & Kat: She's gone!

Sam and Colby look at each other, knowing they fucked up big time.

Sam & Colby: What do you mean, she's gone?!

Sam & Colby: What do you mean, she's gone?!

Stas: She heard what you two were saying and she ran away!!

Back to my POV:

I walk far away from the hotel. I'm sitting on the side of the sidewalk, crying a little.

Yn: I can't believe this!!

And my phone starts ringing and I look at the caller ID. And it's Colby Brock: My Love <3

Yn: What do you want?

Colby: Baby, I'm sorry. Please come back.

Yn: You told me you weren't talking to Amber!!

Colby: She called me. You have to believe me!!

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