ii - first year challenge

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"Captain!" The team heard right after practice had ended and everyone was getting ready to leave for the night. When the door was opened, Kageyama and Hinata stood side by side. "We would like to challenge you! Us verses you upperclassmen!"

"For real?!" Tanaka was close to busting a gut.

"We'll prove that we can play together!" The two exclaimed in sync.

"I heard a countdown."

"I kinda like guys like them," Tanaka breathed, still laughing.

"And if you lose?" Daichi asked, his arms crossed.

"We'll accept the penalty of your choice," Kageyama stated firmly.

"Hm..." The captain hummed for a moment as he observed them. "This should work. Two other first-years are going to be joining us. We'll have you play them, three on three," He went on to explain. "It's a match we hold every year for our new members to see what they're like."

"But three on three?" The ginger seemed confused, pointing to himself, then the boy beside him, the numbers not adding up. "Who will be playing on our side?"

"Tanaka," Daichi glanced at said person. "I want you to be on their side on game day."

"What? Me?" He scowled at the very notion, obviously not wanting to do anything of the sort.

"You said you kinda liked them."

"I don't want to get dragged into their mess!" The buzzcut bro protested.

"That's a shame," Daichi sighed, hanging his head. "I really thought you were the only one capable of wrangling these delinquents.. Maybe I should ask Crow?"

"Nah, that would be like guaranteeing their win."


"Well if you insist!" Tanaka grinned devilishly. "I'll do it. Happy to hear that?" He patted Hinata on the shoulder.

"So, in the event you lose," Daichi resumed speaking to finish the arrangement. "For the remainder of my time at this school, Kageyama will not be allowed to play setter."


"Is that all?" Hinata cocked his head slightly, obviously not feeling the weight of the situation for the other first year beside him.

"A team can't win with a grandstanding, over-aggressive, egocentric setter," The captain reiterated. As Kageyama gritted his teeth, the older male smiled. "What's the matter? I'm not saying that your application will be rejected. I'm sure you can easily handle other positions."

"I'm a setter!" Kageyama yelled desperately.

"Then win."

"You're all being way too noisy," Crow grumbled as he made his way between them. "First you make me lose nap time, and now this? I'm not into it, so please stop."

"Ah, sorry about that Crow," Suga kept the peace. "This will definitely be the last time something like this happens, so don't be too angry."

"Annoyed is a better word," He ran a hand through his hair, causing some of it to come loose from the hair-tie. It was at that moment that the moon decided to peek out between the clouds, illuminating the area. Almost anyone would say that in that second, Crow looked serene and beautiful. "Good work today, see you tomorrow," He turned and walked away.

"Yep, that's Crow for you," The three upperclassmen chuckled.

"Guys, I think Crow took my necklace again."

"He is a Crow after all, just make peace with letting it go."


It was finally the day of the game between first years, and Crow was the first one to get there. He'd swiped the keys off of Tanaka the night before cause they were shiny, so when he realized he'd grabbed them halfway home, the dude decided to take responsibility by getting there early and setting everything up.

Once he'd finished, Crow ended up back in the position he was usually in when everyone came: sleeping on the stage with his bag as his pillow.

Well, this morning at least, he was snoozing rather than sleeping. Eventually, everyone showed up and started stretching themselves out. They knew not to disturb the second year, which he himself was grateful for. Plus, it was sort of nice just listening to the mundane things that would be said now and again.

"Good morning," Kiyoko greeted softly as she opened the door.

"Kiyoko-san, you look lovely today!" Tanaka commented enthusiastically.

"It's that hottie. That hottie's here!" Hinata whisper-yelled as to not attract too much attention, especially of the person he was speaking of.

"I love it when she ignores me!" Tanaka hugged himself as she walked away without responding.

"Hey, think she might be the team manager?" Hinata asked, directing the question at Kageyama who blatantly ignored him.

"Alright, let's get started," Daichi called once he'd deemed that everyone was there and ready. "Crow, you gonna sleep through this or are you gonna watch?"

"...I'll watch," The ravenette breathed, flipping himself up and off the stage.

"Good morning," Kiyoko nodded to him, to which he nodded back. They had a mutual respect.

"I'll be on Tsukishima's team," Daichi announced, his thumb pointing to the tall blonde.

"Are you serious Captain?!" Hinata exclaimed, obviously thinking such an arrangement was unfair. The dude just laughed.

"Relax. Tanaka's a better attacker than me," He assured him. "But know that I won't go easy on you guys."

"Ahem," Tsukishima cleared his throat. "Out of the midget and Tanaka, which one should we target--er, keep in check first?" He broke off, making sure the two he was talking about heard him. Crow almost rolled his eyes. "Oh, how could I forget? We'd like to see the King on his knees in defeat too, right?"

"Keep it down Tsukki! What if they heard you?" Yamaguchi, the other and final first year, said worriedly.

"I want them to hear it, dude," He deadpanned at him before returning to his taunting. "I sure hope they lose their heads."

"I see you're quite the ass, Tsukishima," Daichi grimaced.

"The lonesome king who lost all of his lackeys, in particular, is a sight for sore eyes."

"Goodness gracious me," Tanaka made a voice as he walked weirdly, which almost drew a snort from the other second year but he managed to keep it to a slight exhale. "Did you hear that? Can you believe what he just said? Jeez, that Tsukishima. He's so..." He trailed off, then glared back at the person they were talking about. "Dead!"

"Blah!" Hinata stuck his tongue out in agreement while Kageyama just looked confused. This is going to be a long day.

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