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Meanwhile, everyone else had reconvened back at the Karasuno gym after Yamaguchi had relayed what he was supposed to tell Keishin. "Thank you for all the hard work on day one!" Takeda told the team as they sat around. 

"Thank you, sir!" they chanted back. 

"Wakutani South, our next opponent, is unlike any previous opponent we've faced," Keishin took over. "They still have their third years like we do. They're a highly polished team. Their defense and tenacity are comparable to Nekoma's. Don't lose your temper just because you can't get your attack in," He looked around pointedly. "Especially the hyperactive ones and simpletons."

"It'll be fine," Daichi smiled assuredly. "Crow has their backs."

"Where is Crow, by the way?" Hinata piped up, and several of his upperclassmen immediately averted their eyes. They have learned not to question when Crow wouldn't come back with them from games to just leave it be; he always showed up the next day so there was nothing to worry about. 

"He went with a guy that kinda looked like an older version of him," Yamaguchi recalled, which confused most of the upperclassmen since they all knew that Crow was a runaway, and there was no way he'd go back without a fight. And knowing the ravenette, a fight like that wouldn't last long enough for him to tell them to go on ahead, so there was something else at play rather than family relations. "Oh, but the guy had grey eyes instead of gold."

"Enough," Keishin rubbed his temples. "You can ask Crow tomorrow, but don't blame me if you get pummeled for it."

"Y-yes sir!" Hinata and Yamaguchi squeaked as Kageyama and Tsukishima rolled their eyes. 

"Alright," Daichi stood up along with everyone else, all putting their hands in for a cheer. "We're going to win tomorrow too! Karasuno, fight!"



"Raven, get up or we're going to be late," Crow said the next morning, his tracksuit on and bag all ready to go as he stood in the doorway of Raven's room. 

"Mmmm we gotta go so early?" Raven groaned as he flipped over so that he was squinting at the door, seeing his charge give him an unimpressed look. 

"Yeah. So get up already, unless you want me to go by myself."

"No, no, I'm up, I'm up," Raven yawned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, then actually got out of bed and went to do his business in the bathroom. Crow waited a total of seven minutes before his new guardian reemerged, fully clothed and ready to head out. "Did you get breakfast yet?"

"I ate while you were sleeping," The ravenette replied as they made their way to the garage. "Since I figured you'd be fine without food for thirty minutes."

"I won't be fine, but I'll live," Raven heaved a dramatic sigh, and once again Crow just deadpanned at him. The sight made the older man grin and wrap an arm around him. "You haven't changed at all, Voldy."

"A bit more irritable."

"Meh, you were pretty irritable to begin with."

"If you say so," Crow said, then detached from Raven as the older man unlocked one of the cars in the garage so they could both get in. "You sure about this?"

"Oh yeah, Felicity is raring to go," Raven beamed at one of his favorite cars, and yes, Crow could attest that Raven named all of his cars after American Girl Dolls. He had an Isabelle, Saige and Chrissa too. "Samantha is gonna be coming up with Lark in a few weeks," He informed as they both got inside the car. Samantha was the car he had out and about more since he was less attached to it than the others. The one before Samantha that had gotten totaled in a yakuza fight was named Molly. 

Soon, Felicity had pulled up to Karasuno and parked so that Raven could come with Crow as he was going to meet up with the team. Luckily for the ravenette, Raven wasn't the type to do something extremely inappropriate in public, so Crow didn't have to worry about him holding his hand or hugging him or anything else weird. 

Finding their way to the gym, they found almost everyone waiting. "Ah, Crow-san!" Hinata immediately noticed his approach, causing the ravenette to hold his hand up in greeting. Raven walked a few paces behind him, a pleasant smile on his face as he did so. Everyone noticed him quickly after noticing Crow.

He looked like Crow, just like Yamaguchi had said, and had grey eyes. They felt their guards go up at this because Crow coming by with anyone was rare, especially someone they all assumed he had fought with. Keishin especially made sure to step out in front of the team as a sort of barrier in case things got ugly, all while Takeda just looked confused at all of the reactions. 

"Cool it," Crow snapped at his cousin, causing the man to sort of buffer. "The hell's with you getting all jumpy? He's with me," He said, now standing in front of Keishin as Raven also stopped walking. 

"Hello, I'm Raven Adachihara, and from now on, I'll be acting as Crow's guardian," He held his hand out to Keishin. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too.." the coach hesitantly shook the man's hand, trying to think about where he had heard the name before. And then it hit him. "You're the CEO of Japan's fastest expanding company, AIR!"

"I'm honored that you've heard of me," Raven retracted his hand, his smile never disappearing. "Yes, in fact, we've just begun expanding into Miyagi."

"Crow, how the hell do you know such a big shot?!" Keishin whipped to face the teen, but did a double take at how disappointed and annoyed the dude looked. "What's with you?"

"And here I thought you'd be smarter than that," Crow answered, then cast a look at his guardian. "Go on and get back to your precious car."

"Kicking me out right at the good part?" Raven pouted, but his smirk couldn't be contained for long. "Fine, see you tonight Crow," he said, then turned and walked away. When he was out of ear shot, Crow relaxed a bit and focused his attention on the extremely confused Keishin. 

"AIR is just a front for the yakuza syndicate that he runs," Crow revealed, and instantly everyone paled at this new information that they probably should have been expecting if Crow's track record was anything to go by. The ravenette just looked a mixture between smug and indignant as he leaned on the wall. "Congratulations, you've all met your first yakuza boss."

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