xxxiv - scouting seijoh

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"Sawamura! Sugawara! Azumane!" The girls' team called as the Karasuno boys' team lined up under the banner. "Congrats on advancing to the third round!" The captain waved.

"Michimiya!" Daichi smiled. "I thought I heard a lot of girls' voices."

"Didn't you notice them?" Suga teased.

"Aya-senpai!" Tanaka and Noya waved enthusiastically.

"You got your revenge," Michimiya smiled down at the three third years. The boys glanced at each other, surprised at the notion for a moment, before turning to her with their fists raised.

"Yeah," They agreed. "And we'll keep on winning!"

"Way to go Crow-sama!" A bunch of people started crowding around where the girls were, trying to get a glimpse of the ravenette as they all yelled their congratulations.

"Nice game!"

"You did amazing out there!"

"Keep it up!"

"Your serves were wicked!"

"You look like you're flying out there, Crow-sama!"

"Nice job guys!" Tenma waved from further down, so Keishin, Crow, Daichi, Sugawara and Asahi nodded to him.

"Thank you for coming!" Daichi yelled once all of the Karasuno players were lined up. Then everyone echoed him as they bowed to the crowd that was clapping in front of them. Then it was time for the team to pack their things and get off the court.

"Our opponents didn't notice our signals, huh?" Hinata smiled as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Yeah," Kageyama agreed. "We're gonna get some use out of them."

"Yeah, it's still a wonder you meat-heads thought those up," Tsukishima smirked, causing the two to glare at him.

"W-we didn't think them up," Hinata corrected him.

"Thought as much," Tsukishima said smugly. "So, who came up with them for you?"

"Sugawara-san!" Hinata told him. Suddenly, squeals went up, and this time, they weren't for Crow.

"OIKAWA-SAN!!" Some female spectators called as the captain of Aoba Johsai was given a ball to serve with. Immediately upon hearing the uproar, Tanaka and Nishinoya were sneering at the guy.

"Fight, Seijoh! Work it work it, Seijoh! Go!" The cheer section yelled.

"Aoba Johsai's..."

"First win," Suga finished Daichi's thought.

"Guess who's going to chew up and spit out king and dark horse alike... and make it to nationals?" Oikawa smirked as he held the ball in his hands. "We are."

"Serve the damn ball loserkawa! We don't have all day!"


"He did it again!" Hinata gasped as Oikawa's serve got the team another point from a shank.

"That's the fourth consecutive service ace," Daichi observed as the score flipped to 21 Seijoh to 10 Oomisaki.

"Obviously he's got power," Keishin spoke up as he sat with Kiyoko and Takeda. "But that control of his is brutal."

"But if we can just work around that serve..." Hinata tried to interject.

"Yes, his serve is terrifying," Sugawara agreed. "But as a setter, Oikawa is a complete unknown to us."

"Hold on a second," Kageyama spoke up as he glanced around. "Did we lose Crow-san?"

"He's with Tenma," Keishin waved the concern off. "Probably getting pampered or something, who cares."

"Shouldn't he be here watching with us?" Hinata questioned.

"He's seen Oikawa in action, has played with him and against him, so I doubt there's anything he doesn't know," The coach smirked. "But just in case, you guys can fill him in, okay?"

"Er, okay," The two glanced at each other in confusion, only for Nishinoya to spring up.

"I'll tell him!"

"No you will not," Daichi shoved him back down onto his seat. Sugawara and Asahi snickered to each other at the now extremely confused expressions on the faces of all those that didn't get what was going on.

Keishin was setting Kageyama and Hinata up with some two on one time with Crow because he'd noticed that they had a thing for him. However, none of the ones that knew would ever tell a soul.

Meanwhile, Tenma and Crow were hanging out outside. "I knew you were good, but it's been a while since I've seen you play," The college student beamed as his charge ate a meatbun that he had supplied. "You were awesome out there."

"Thanks Tenma," The ravenette mumbled before swallowing, which only drew a laugh from his guardian. "Any tips?"

"Not that I can think of," He shook his head. "You're honestly way better than me already, so just keep working hard and you'll reach the moon and stars!"

"Sounds good," Crow hummed with a smile. "Thanks for coming to watch, even if it was at the tail end."

"My class ran late, I'm sorry," He apologized. "But I don't have any classes tomorrow so I should be all set to watch start to finish!"

"Good then."

"They seem to have really smooth teamwork," Sugawara commented as he sat next to Kageyama, watching the Aoba Johsai game as it progressed.

"Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san.. He's number four, their left wing spiker," Kageyama reiterated. "I heard they've been playing together since grade school. They have what you call a non-verbal understanding.." He explained uncertainly.

"I don't think it's because the second year setter they used in the practice match was inferior in any way," Keishin held his chin thoughtfully as he gaze remained on the court. "He does go to Seijoh after all."


"It's more like this Oikawa character knows his team so well," Keishin speculated. "That he can bring them to 100% functional capacity..."

"The great king is so cool!" Hinata shouted in reverence, causing the team to look at him weirdly. "I wanna play against him so bad!"

"Yeah!" Nishinoya agreed. "I hope he'll aim that serve at me!" He challenged himself. "I wanna receive it!"

"Noya-san, you're super cool too!" The ginger complimented.

"That sounds hopeful," Keishin smiled with a slight sweatdrop.

"Hey, look at that Shoyo!" The libero pointed down below to the court. "It's a TV camera!"

"Huh?" Hinata leaned over. "A TV camera?! Holy Cow!" He exclaimed. "I wanna be on TV too!"

"Hey, you two," One of the people on the court called up to them. "Junior high... What are you, grade schoolers? Keep it down."

"Grade.." Hinata and Nishinoya immediately looked dead at the insult, knowing that it wasn't even an insult because the dude didn't even know who they were.

"I'm sorry," The libero apologized while in shock as the team snickered behind them. Just then, the last point of the second set was scored, and Aoba Johsai was pronounced the winner at 25 to 12. With that over, the team headed home, almost everyone sound asleep on the bus.

Crow did not join them, instead going straight home with Tenma.

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