xlviii - cult connections

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"You guys are too much," Crow deadpanned as the freak first years went to get more practice even though they'd just played six sets.

"Oi! We've still got to clean up, so that's enough for today!" Daichi scolded the two try-hards, causing them to frown.

"..Hai.." They drawled.

"Oi, make sure you cool down properly," Suga called over as Ennoshita helped him stretch. Suddenly, the gym doors were flung open and Takeda fell through.

"Careful, there's a step there."

"Your timing could use some work."



"Are you okay?" Keishin asked as the faculty advisor got himself together from the ground.

"W-we're going, right?" Takeda sprang up.


"Your nose is bleeding!" Kageyama exclaimed. Takeda didn't seem to care as he pushed up his glasses and held up a piece of paper.


"Tokyo?" Everyone's eyes widened as their faces morphed with surprise. The advisor nodded in confirmation. "Tokyo?" Hinata repeated breathily. "You mean..Nekoma?!"

"A practice match?"

"Oh god," Crow shuddered as he saw what was on the paper. "But I don't wanna deal with the bird brain."

"Bird brain?"

"No, nothing, nevermind, please continue," He waved it off as he rubbed a hand over his face in strain. Takeda and the others looked confused and concerned for a moment, but then the faculty advisor went on.

"Anyway, we won't be playing just Nekoma this time," He informed them. "The Fukurodani Academy Group: it's a group of schools from the Kanto region that includes Nekoma. Apparently, they hold practice matches regularly," He beamed. "Thanks to Coach Nekomata, we'll be able to take part this time."

"Whoa!" Tanaka and Noya's faces brightened.

"Groups like that are created through relationships built up over the years," Keishin commented as he rubbed his neck. "So it's not easy to get in without connections. We'll have to make sure to thank Coach Nekomata, and Takeda-sensei here, who I'm sure kept persistently asking him."

"No, I didn't really..." Takeda tried to deny it, but everyone was already grinning at him, so he changed the subject. "Coach Ukai's name helped a lot--"

"Thank you!" The team bowed promptly, causing the advisor to get even more flustered. But then he smiled.

"Over the years," He started off. "We've lost connections with other schools in the prefecture that we used to be friendly with. There are many schools where the coaches that were once close to Coach Ukai are now gone," He grinned excitedly as he continued. "We shouldn't pass up this opportunity!"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered, pumped up for the new challenge that had presented itself. Crow, on the other hand, was still sort of processing his dread.

"I'm going to be able to see that setup up-close again," Kageyama smirked evilly.

"This time, I'm going to protect us til we win!" Noya swore.

"We're gonna take down that city boy alliance!"

"City boy," Tsukishima snickered.

"Alliance?" Yamaguchi joined him.

"I'm gonna break through their blocks this time for sure!" Hinata grinned.

"Um, the thing is," Takeda tried to get the kids to calm down. "Their prelims for the interhigh start this weekend, so it won't be right away," He explained. "Also, at this point, we've only received the invitation. There are some things we have to work out, but I'll give you the details another time. Anyway, it seems like you all.."

"Of course!" Daichi confirmed.

"We'll go!" The team cheered. Crow grumbled his own 'I guess I'll go', but in the end, it was still a big fat yes.

"Oh," Takeda jerked as he saw his watch. "I've got a staff meeting, so I've got to get going. Ukai-kun, I'll leave the rest to you."


"Thank you sir!" The team yelled as the advisor ran off to see to his duties.

"It's going to get busy," Asahi muttered as he, Crow, and the the other third years stood together on the side.


"You'll be busy too, Shimizu," Suga beamed at her. "It'll be your first series of away games with us."

"Mhm," She hummed, turning to look at the others on the court. "I'll do my best too."

"You're blinding them with your beauty, Kiyoko."

"Huh?" She cocked her head at Crow as Suga put his hands over the ravenette's mouth.

"Don't listen to him!"

"Y-y-y-yeah!" Asahi stammered worse than usual as Daichi rolled his eyes.

"C'mon!" Keishin called out, gaining the sporadic group's attention. "Hurry and clean up, and then go home!"

"Yessir!" With that, Crow helped lower the net as the others worked on mopping the floor and putting the balls away and counting them to make sure none were missing. Finally, they all headed on their way home for the night.

As he was walking across a sidewalk, Crow felt his phone buzzing. It was a call from an unknown number. Crow being Crow picked it up. "This is Crow."

"Heyyyyy buddy, long time no see! Guess what I heard today?"

"That my school is joining your little group?"

"Yep! Bro it's been forever since I've seen you dude! Wait, when is the training camp again?"

"A month from now, Bokuto-san."

"Ah right! Thanks Akaashi! Oh, Crow, get a load of this! You're smoking hot, but I think I found somebody on your level! Instead of being smokin', he's just gorgeous, ya know?"

"No, I don't know."

"Well he is! I wanted to ask him out but then I felt that would be cheating on you so I decided against it."

"We aren't dating Bokuto."

"I know that! But you were the best lay of my life, like hell I'm gonna give that up! But yeah, you should totally come watch our matches this weekend!"

"I have practice so I'll have to decline. But good luck."

"Awww man! I really wanted to give you a hug for good luck, but I guess just this will be okay... maybe..."

"Don't bird out on me or your team. It's creepy."

"HEY, RUDE!" Crow held the phone away from his ear in case of volume damage for a second, then returned it.

"You'll do fine as long as you play your game. Do your best, and I'll see you at the cult camp."


"Bye Bokuto," He huffed an eye roll, and finally ended the call. He didn't even realize he was smiling. Meanwhile, on the other end...

"He hung up on me! Can you believe him?!" Bokuto scowled at his phone as he walked with Akaashi. "The nerve!"

"Yeah, pretty rude," Akaashi replied absentmindedly. That conversation that he had the unfortunate luck of listening to gave him much to think about. As Bokuto ranted a bit more about Crow's audacity, Akaashi lost himself in his thoughts.

But there was one thing they could agree on, and that was: things were finally getting interesting.

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