xxxvi - casually

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The next day, it was time for the two teams of Aoba Johsai and Karasuno to go head to head. "Go for it!" The cheering section shouted. "Go go go go Seijoh! Attack! Attack attack attack attack, Seijoh!"

"LET'S GO-GUH-GO-GO CROW!" The opposite stands yelled as the two captains shook hands.

"Let's have a good match," Daichi said to Oikawa, who closed-eye smiled.


"OIKAWA-KUN, YOU CAN DO IT!" A few girls called out before squealing.

"I'll be damned if I lose to them!" Tanaka roared with Hinata and Nishinoya at his side. "Let's do this!"

"YEAH!" The two agreed.

"We got the first serve," Daichi informed Keishin once the captains' meeting was over.

"Right," The coach confirmed, and then it was time for the team to go on for their seven minutes.


"KARASUNO, FIGHT!" Daichi yelled, which cut off another group of girls' holler.

"Yeah!" The team cheered as they did hitting lines.

"ACK, DAMMIT CROW!" Nishinoya growled as he shanked a hit from said player. "STOP BEING SO DAMN GOOD!"

"Don't feel like it."

"Next, serves!" The captain called after a few rounds of hitting lines.

"Yessir!" They called, heading to the endline with the ballcart to do just that.

"I'm going in!"


"I'm just trying to make him better."


"Your hipocrasy is breathtaking."

After their time was up, Karasuno had to vacate the court to their opponents, who also started with hitting lines. Of course, Oikawa couldn't help but pick fun at Iwaizumi, which in turn made the ace try to pummel him. It was quite amusing to watch, in Crow's opinion.

"Form a line!" Daichi called once the whistle had been blown to signal for both teams to line up on the endline for the start of the game. Once everyone was lined up, the referee blew the whistle again, causing the teams to bow.

"Let's have a good match!"

"Yo, Tobio-chan," Oikawa caught Karasuno's setter's attention, smirking at him challengingly. "I came here looking forward to defeating a prodigious setter, so do your best to keep up with me."

"We'll definitely--"

"We'll won't lose!" Hinata butted in front of Kageyama.

"Don't overlap me, you dumbass!" The setter tried to grab the ginger's head, but the human tangerine must have felt it coming because he dodged. Sighing, Kageyama's eyes relocked with Oikawa's. "We'll beat you again." He swore.

"Just like last time!" The two first years said in unison. With that, they went their seperate ways to have their coaches give them one last peptalk before the game began.

"All of you have beaten Aoba Johsai once before," Takeda started off. "Even if our opponents weren't at the top of their game the last time. I think that defeating them once before is a good reason to be confident. Don't be conceited," The faculty advisor warned. "Be confident."

"Hai!" The team shouted. As everyone was heading to huddle up for a team cheer, the coach stopped Kageyama and Crow.

"Oi, no funny business," He eyed them. "Save that for the second set, no matter what."


"Yes sir!"

With that, the huddle was complete and Daichi could start the cheer. "Karasuno, fight!"


"Let's go!" Oikawa grinned in the huddle of his own team.

"Yeah!" They cheered. Thus, the two teams had their lineups on the court, and the referees checked to make sure everything was in order. For Aoba Johsai, Hanamaki was in the serving position, Matsukawa was in position two, Oikawa was in three, Iwaizumi in four, Kindaichi in five and Kunimi in six. Their libero switched in for Kindaichi.

For Karasuno, Tsukishima was in the serving position, Kageyama was in position two, Tanaka was in position three, Hinata was in four, Crow was in five and Asahi was in six. Since they had serve, Nishinoya would switch in for Tsukishima after he had finished serving.

Thus, once the lineups had been checked, it was time to start the game. The ref blew the whistle, signalling serve. "Tsukishima nice serve!" Daichi called from the bench beside Sugawara.

"Kunimi!" Iwaizumi called.

"Hai!" Said player recieved the ball.

"Nice recieve!"

"I got it!" Oikawa's hands shot upwards as he readied himself for the ball as two of his hitters started their approaches. But then, he himself hit it.

"Mine," Crow got it up, causing a few surprised noises and expressions to appear. "Don't hit at me if you wanna get the point, Oikawa!"

"I know that!"

"Then why did you give it to me on a silver platter?"

"FOCUS CROW, STOP CHATTING IN THE MIDDLE OF A RALLY!" Keishin yelled as Tanaka got blocked by Oikawa and Matsukawa. Sadly, Tsukishima's retrieval skills were not as good as Nishinoya's or Crow's, and the point went to Seijoh as the ball hit the floor. The stands went up in cheers as Tanaka apologized.

"No, it's my fault," Crow raised his hand. "I'm used to playing casually with Oikawa, so I usually call him on his bullshit, but I forgot that it can be distracting in a match. Sorry, it won't happen again."

"Aw, I like it when you call me out," Oikawa winked on the other side of the net.

"You shut up too," Iwaizumi shoved him before nodding to Crow. "Don't worry about him, I'll make sure he doesn't harrass you too much."

"Thanks Iwaizumi," The ravenette returned the gesture. With that, Aoba Johsai rotated so that it was Matsukawa that was serving with Kindaichi coming in for the libero.

"Nice serve Matsukawa!"

"Mine," Crow got the ball up easily.

"Nice receive Crow!"

"Send it my way!" Hinata yelled, so Kageyama set it to him. The ball went straight to Hanamaki, making it easy to pass to the setter's position. Oikawa, instead of getting ready to set, started his approach with his eyes on the ball. Another aggressive setter dump?

"Don't mess with u--" Tanaka and Hinata went up to block the obvious attack, but Seijoh's setter switched it up midjump and tossed the ball to Iwaizumi. It was a good enough line shot that Crow missed it just barely.

"Oi, that was a little low," The spiker told his setter, whose eyebrows raised slightly.

"Was it? Sorry," Oikawa hummed. "Still, you always send up hitting 'em, Iwa-chan."

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