lxxxix - voldy

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"You did it!" Yachi exclaimed as she ran towards the team as they were coming off the court. 

"Yay!" Tanaka jumped at her for a double high five.

"Yay!" Nishinoya did the same. 

"Yaaaayyyy?!" The girl screeched in panic as her hands went up by reflex, but luckily Ennoshita stopped the two sporatic children before they could land on the poor girl. 

"It's impossible for her to jump for two high fives at the same time," He reminded them, causing them to sort of deflate at the realization. 

"O-oh, right," Their feet touched the ground, and finally Yachi was able to give them their high tens, and even gave Ennoshita one too. 

"Crow-sama!" Yachi called, skittering over to him as he looked at her. "Good job out there!"

"Thanks," He nodded. 

"Eeeeeek!" Hinata's shriek caused the ravenette and manager to glance at where the carrot top was. Aone from Date Tech towered over the dude for a few moments before speaking. 

"I'm going to stop you tomorrow," He swore, then walked away. 

"And my spikes will get through!" Hinata called after him, causing the date tech player to cause, look back for a split second, and smirk, before continuing on his way out of the venue. And then Hinata was screaming like an idiot as Kageyama yelled at him to shut up.

Suddenly, a loud whistle was heard, signalling the end of a game. This made the first year duo dart back out onto the court to see because whoever had won that game would be Karasuno's next opponent. They found it be to Waku South. "You can do it Takeru! You can do it Takeru! Nice kill, Takeru! Yeah!" Waku South's captain's family cheered. 

"Yeah!" He echoed loudly.

"His family's here to cheer him on?" Hinata seemed surprised. 

"That's the team Ukai-san said we need to look out for before the interhigh prelims," Kageyama reminded his teammate, who took a breath in. 

"In order to face Date Tech again," He grinned. "We have to beat them!"

"Calm down," Crow smacked the back of Hinata's head, almost making the teen faceplant from the force. "We play them tomorrow, so save that energy for tomorrow, got it?"

"Uh, right!" Hinata exclaimed, holding the back of his head where he swore a bump was growing from that hit. Kageyama was thanking his lucky stars that he hadn't been dumb enough to start yelling along side the carrot top because he knew that Crow's hits hurt like hell. 

"Come on, everyone's waiting for us," Crow jerked his head towards the hallway as he turned. "Let's get changed and head out."

"Yes sir!" The two first years ran after him. Soon, the Karasuno team was ready to go, having changed into their tracksuits and collected all of their things. As they were heading out the door, Crow suddenly stopped. 

"Hey Voldy," A familiar voice said, attached to a familiar face that he hadn't seen in years. "Been a while, hasn't it?"

"Huh?" Yamaguchi, who was closest to Crow at that time, seemed confused as he looked between the two. "Did he just call you Moldy?"

"Go on ahead," Crow told him, not taking his eyes off of the new presence, who just lazily smiled back at him. "Tell Keishin not to wait up."

"O-okay," Yamaguchi swallowed hard, then rushed to do as told, which left Crow and his old acquaintance by themselves. 

"What are you doing here, Raven?" Crow asked lowly, every muscle in his body tense as he watched the yakuza boss from his past shrug as he sauntered over to him. 

"Oh you know, the usual," Raven hummed as he looked down at the teen with hungry eyes

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"Oh you know, the usual," Raven hummed as he looked down at the teen with hungry eyes. "We've been expanding recently, and I was just scoping out the area when I saw that you were going to be playing here today. What a coincidence," He smirked, but that just made Crow's expression darken. 

"You wouldn't go out of your way to come see me just because you knew I was here," He rephrased his earlier question. "What do you want?"

"You're so cynical, Crow," Raven snickered. "But I guess you're right. Speaking of coincidences, I recently procured a place near here. Why don't you stay with me from now on, like the old days?"

"And why would I do that?" The ravenette gave him a look, but Raven wasn't phased in the least as he just continued to smile. 

"You wouldn't have to worry about getting killed since we both know I have every reason to keep you around, and you'd get the best of the best in everything," He explained. 

"...What of the yakuza already in this area?" 

"Oh, them? Let's just say we've reached.." The yakuza boss's eyes were sharp as he spoke. "An agreement."

"And what about Lark?" Crow asked, the question allowing Raven's expression to soften as he thought of the girl he had raised alongside Crow. 

"Lark's doing well, but still in the old prefecture," Raven grinned. "So, we have a deal or not?"

"Fine," Crow sighed, running a hand through his hair, which had been freed from the french braid. "Don't touch me," He snapped as Raven attempted to wrap his arm around him, laughing as he was swatted away. 

"Come on, don't be like that!"

"Just lead the way already," Crow deadpanned at him, so with another shrug, Raven walked off with the teen following behind him. When Crow had first run away from his parents, he had been on the streets for almost six months before Raven found him. 

He was a scrawny boy, malnourished--both during his runaway period and during his stay with his parents because 'she was getting fat and needed to maintain a good figure so all the boys will like her' as his mother had often said--and half frozen when Raven had found him. He was seven, almost eight at the time. 

Raven had, of course, asked for his name, but Crow hadn't come up with the alias Crow yet, and so he simply hadn't answered. "Alright then, if you won't tell me your name," Raven had said, his signature smile on his face as he had hoisted the boy up. "Guess I'll just have to call you Voldemort."

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