Part 3.2

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Carlos's POS

"You okay Bella?" I asked her. "I don't feel good." Right then she started to fall but I caught her. "Bella!" I picked her up bridal style as Evie ran out of the car helping me open the passenger door. I held her on my lap as we drove back to Auradon. "Is she okay?" Ben asked through the opened glass. "I don't know, she could have been drained too much as this magic thing is new to her!" I panicked. Mal looked over at me. "She is gonna be okay! I promise." Mal said trying to comfort me. She was still breathing and her heart rate felt normal. Once we got back to Auradon Ben yelled for Fairy Godmother and Beast as I carefully carried Bella out of the car. They rushed to us and Fairy Godmother stopped upon seeing Bella. "Oh dear! We must take her to the infirmary at once." Beast took Bella from me and ran to the infirmary. Once we got there he placed her on a bed as Belle reached the room as well. "Oh Bella!" She ran to her side. "What happened?" Beast turned to me. "We were leaving the Isle when Hades punched through. Mal tried pushing him back but he zapped her pulling her magic from her. Once Mal fell, Bella blasted him back into the Isle. Mal believes when she blasted him, he pulled her magic as well." He nods as Fairy Godmother pushed Beast and I out of the room. "Ladies only for now, I will notify you both when she wakes." She then shut the door on us.

Belle's POV

"Oh Bella!" I ran to my daughters side. "What happened?" Beast turned to Carlos with worry. "We were leaving the Isle when Hades punched through. Mal tried pushing him back but he zapped her pulling her magic from her. Once Mal fell, Bella blasted him back into the Isle. Mal believes when she blasted him, he pulled her magic as well." Beast nods when Fairy Godmother pushed him and Carlos out of the room. "Ladies only for now, I will notify you both when she wakes." She then shut the door on them and then turned back to me. "I will do some test real quick." I nod as I look at Bella. She seemed to be in a sleep like state right now. Not a spell, more like she is just tired. Fairy Godmother then comes back and looks surprised. "You need to see this." I look at a screen showing a test. "Oh my goodness!" I smiled then looked at Bella. "We need to let her know when she wakes." Fairy Godmother says and I nod. "I will tell her." I smile and look back at the test.


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