Part 9

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Bella's POV

"No! I want the guards handing out gas mask to everyone." I assumed the guards talked back because Ben frowned. "Well not everyone is a sleep!" Ben yelled then hung up. "Its okay Ben. Everything will be okay." I reassured him as he nods. I look to the butler standing at the door. "Please go see if anyone is awake and has seen Audrey please. Also see if she has any demands." He nods at me then walks out shutting the doors behind him. Ben the sighs sitting down as a puff of purple-ish pink smoke appears in the open window. "Mal?" Ben stands as Audrey appears. "A-Audrey." Ben says surprised. "I just have one demand." She smiled at Ben. "I want my life back." She said while walking up to Ben and placing a hand on his cheek. "Make me your queen and we'll rule side by side." I slowly walked up to Audrey and Ben. "Did some one put a hex on you? Just tell me who and I'll...." she stopped me. "And what?!" She then walked back. "Most people get dumped because they weren't good enough, but I wasn't bad enough." She looked from me then back at Ben as he and I looked confused. She smiled and giggled as she did a spin. "How do you like me how bennyboo?" I still gag at that nickname. "I liked the old Audrey better." Audrey froze a bit as Ben cautiously walked to her. "The old Audrey wouldn't want to hurt Auradon. Just give me the scepter and we will forgive you." She looked like she was gonna give in but then snapped and stopped Ben when he said 'forgive'. Way to go! "And you'll forgive me!?" Her voice broke. "Audrey, please." I stepped closer causing her to look at me. She shook her head. "Sleeping is to good for you! Both of you!" She then casted a spell at Ben and I causing us to fall back. I felt a slight warm feeling around me. I was still conscious when Audrey turned and laughed while casting more spells. As I stood up she proofed away. I felt warmer as I felt..... FANGS!!!! I had fangs and.... and I had side burns. I got up and looked into the mirror to see that my hair was a bit longer and poofier. I had fangs, claws, and beast ears! "Oh. My. Pixie. Dust..... IM A BEAST!" My ears went down as I panicked. That means.... I looked at Ben to see he is full on beast. "Oh no." He slowly stood up then looked from himself to me. "Ben?" I asked but all he did was rawred at me. I covered my ears. "Ben calm down, please." I tried to keep him calm but he just growled at me then ran past me. "BEN GET BACK HERE!" He was super fast but apparently I wasn't. "Ben, PLEASE!" He then stopped and howled. "Good grief!" He then clawed the walls while running. I gasped. "Your paying for that! Not me!" I chased him for a bit to the forest. "Oh no." I chased him for what felt like hours. Sadly, I couldn't catch him. "Ben! Where are you going?" I looked around and noticed I lost him. I growled in anger. "IM NOT CUT OUT FOR THIS!!!" I yelled in anger. I then signed and took a deep breath. "Calm down, Bella. It will be all okay. Just try to find your stupid brother." I nod then walked off to find him.


Hey guys..... sorry if I haven't been constant with uploads and all that. I have been writing editing and trying to find the energy to write. Life has torn me down right now to my lowest and I am struggling. So again, im sorry. However, I do have stuff I can post this week. So stay tuned for that!

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