Part 6

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Mal's POV

"So the crown and scepter were stolen and no one knows who." I nod confirming Evie. "I mean, think about it, with everyone scared we have to put up these whole new security measures." I fold my arms. "Well are they still bringing over more VK's?" I look at Evie. "We're talking about closing the barrier for good." Evie looks at me instantly hearing that. "And you said no right?" Evie asked. I couldn't respond to the question without feeling guilt. "I mean the four of us are living the dream and we finally get to share it. What could be more important than that?" I shake my head "yeah, I know." I start thinking about what I've done. "Maybe security, or peace of mind for Auradon?" I sit down. "Well is that what they're thinking? M do they seriously think no one will go in or out of the barrier again? Will we ever see our parents again. I mean we promised these kids they could go visit when ever they wanted." Evie stood up. "Yeah, god I know." Guilt eating at my heart. "M I'm so happy you're gonna be Queen and be in these conversations. You can stand up for the VK's." I slightly smile. "Thank you for telling me." Evie smiled and hugged me as I couldn't stand and tell her the truth. "Oh, how is Bella?" She stopped me as I stood. "She is awake, still feeling a bit weak but is good." Evie smiled. "Good to hear." She and I walked out to the kitchen.

Third person POV

"Got the beach towels ready to go." Carlos smile as Evie and Jay goof off. This is Bella's best friends birthday party. So They said they'd  help out. It's at the same place Carlos, Bella, Ben, and Mal had their first date plus Bella said she had a special surprise for Carlos. Carlos went to wrap the cake up when he saw a corner missing. "Oh really? Who got into Jane's cake?!" He yelled as Dizzy and Celia sat by the fire pit outside eating the cake. "Delicious!" Dizzy giggled. "I especially like the lack of dirt." Celia commented as Dizzy licked her fingers. "And the lack of flies." Dizzy add as Celia took a bite and nodded in agreement. As they continued eating.

Back to Mal

I changed into a different outfit and grabbed my gift to Jane then walked out the door. Right as I walked a bit lightning struck revealing Audrey with the crown and scepter. "I was hoping you were home." She smirked. I airily laughed. "Is this a joke? What are you doing with the crown and the scepter?" She looked at the scepter then to me. "Well I wanted them so I took them." I was shocked at her answer. "You of all people should understand that Mal." I looked at her. She then leaned the scepter down inhaling the magic. I set my gift to Jane down. "Wait Audrey, Stop." She stopped to look at me. "Don't use that." She smirked. "I thought you liked spell?" I mean I do but that's not the point. "Okay, Audrey..." She then yelled which startled me a bit. "It's not a toy, it's dangerous!" She then turns to me. "I want to be dangerous. My life was perfect until you stole it. Then Auradon turned it's back on me." I was surprised at her answer. She walked away from me as I felt remorse towards her. "Time for a little pay back." She said. "Audrey wait!" She turned around to me and cast a spell while laughing. She turned me into an old lady. "Ya think Ben will love you now you old hag? You'll pay the price of what you did and so will Auradon. So long suckers." Everyone finally came outside as Audrey spun and disappeared. Jay looked at the smoke then turned to me. He jumped as my new appearance startled him. "Woah, uh you might wanna think of a spell for that." I sighed. "There's no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter." I looked at him then Evie. "Well that's a shame." Carlos added. "Forget about me, Audrey is out for revenge and all of Auradon is in danger." I looked at Carlos. "What do we do?" Evie asked. "The only thing more power then the scepter, is Hades ember." Jay laughed at this. "Like he'll hand it over if we go back to the isle." Jay said. "Also no one knows where he lair is." Evie added as Celia stepped up. "I do, I'm his errand rat. The key is at my dad's." I pointed at her. "You're coming." Celia whines and folds her arms. "But I just got here." Just then Dizzy and the twins walked out. "Mal?" Dizzy asked as I looked at her and the twins. I then turn away as they scream in fear. Evie runs up to her and tells Dizzy to watch the twins and stay inside. "Go grab your things." She then tells the boys walking back to me. "How bad is it?" I ask Evie. She glances at me and I can tell I remind her of her mother. "You age... beautifully. Now let's get you into something fabulous." I nod "okay." She walked off as I can only go a slow pace. She then grabs my arm and tries helping me as I pat her arm.

*time skip*

Once I'm put into my outfit we all walk out to my bike. "How are we all gonna get there?" Jay asked. "Well there is a store just a little ways past this place." Evie adds. "But what about Ben and Bella?" Carlos asked. "I think its best they don't know. Plus I don't want Ben to see me like this." Carlos nods but I know he is gonna tell Bella once we get back. "Let's go." I add as everyone ran but I used my scooter that Ben got me. Once we got there, everyone grabbed a scooter and paid for it. We then all rode to where the end of the island to the Isle was and stopped. I then said the spell I used last time. "Proud steeds nobel and fair, you shall take us anywhere." I spelled all our bikes and took off. Everyone followed as we took off.

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