Part 10

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Carlos's POV

"So we go and stop Audrey then I will come back to return the ember with Celia." Mal says as we all nod. Jay then used the clicker to open the gate as we all walked out since our bikes were gone. I watched as the ember I believe wiped Mal's curse away which was good. She was very slow as the old lady. We all then stopped and turned around when we hear a thud behind us. Gil had jumped through the gate before it closed. "I'm out!" Gil cheered but then was stopped by us. Gil then pushed Mal to get by which made her drop the ember. As Mal then went to grab it Gil kicked it into the water. "No!" Mal and I yelled when right before it hit the water a blue tentacle caught it. Uma then appears with the Ember. "Uma!?" Gil said in shock. "That's my name." She smirked then showed the ember. "Dropped something?" She asked with a smirk. "Give it back! It can't get wet!" Mal begged but Uma shrugged and went under with the ember. "Whelp there went that plan!" Jay said as a cyclone appeared then disappeared behind us. "Hey Gil." She smirked at Gil with Harry next to her. We all turned around causing Mal to sigh in relief to see the ember still glowing in Uma's hand. Harry, Gil, and Uma reunited as I rolled my eyes. The only reunite I want is to be with my girl. I really hope she's doing okay and is safe from Audrey. Not gonna lie, not hearing from her was making me worry a lot more. "You left me." Gil pouted. "Yeah, probably out plotting her revenge." Mal snapped. Uma then groaned. "Its not all about you Mal. I was trying to find a hole in the barrier, to let everyone out." She turned to Gil and Harry with a smile. "There's this hairy rock thing called a coconut and big fish that you can basically dance on." She then looked at us in disgust and disappointment. "And they were hogging it all to themselves." Harry clicked his tongue at us. Mal then rolled her eyes and held her hand out. "Whatever, Uma I need that ember to break a spell." I then stepped next to Mal. "Yeah, Audrey casted a sleep on Auradon. Audrey is the daughter of sleeping beauty. " Uma smirked and looked happy. "Really? So the good guy is the bad guy?" She smirked sarcastically. "Ya know, I could not give it to you. See what happens." Mal got mad and so did I. "Uma! This is not the time to be messing around!" Mal yelled. "Yeah! Peoples lives are in danger!" I added looking at Uma and the boys. Uma the looked us in the eyes. "Okay, but promise me that every villian kid that wants, get off the isle." I shook my head. "We can't promise that." Uma then rolled her eyes and walked to the edge holding the ember out. "Well how about now!" Uma yelled causing Mal to jump forward. "DEAL!" She screamed. Uma then joked about dropping it. "Uma!" Evie jumped in. "Her word is good." Uma smirked then looked at Mal and I. I knew it was not good since we already planned on closing the barrier for good. I looked from Mal to Uma. She shrugged. "I'm gonna hold onto this," Uma said placing the ember in her jacket. "For the time being, because if you think I'm gonna trust you, your wrong." She then smirked. "Cause this is a job for pirates." Uma smirked as her crew laughed and high fived. "Fine! But can we please just go now. We need to hurry up and stop Audrey." I said wanting to just find Bella. I missed her so much. I hope she is okay. We all started walking back to Auradon. As we got closer we noticed the guards on the other side were all slumped over sleeping. "Oh no." Jay said as we started running to the castle.

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