Part 7

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Jane's POV

I look around wondering where Bella is, she told me she had a super special suprise for Carlos and I. As I kept looking chad walked up next to me. "Looks like Bella forgot your birthday, huh?" I shook my head no and smiled. "No. she would never forget. Plus she said she had a special gift for me." Chad laughed at my remark. "Well she is dating a villian after all." I shook my head. "Hey Chad, look. A group of people taking selfies." He instantly ran over to the group without a word. Yes, I had a crush on him as he became a bit more nicer to me but he was still head over heals for Audrey. Just then I hear talking as I see Audrey appear. She looked.... different. "Anyone save me any guacamole? No." She then walked over to the desert table. "Looks like someone forgot to invite me. Well don't be expecting Mal she's uh..... not feeling herself." Audrey then smirked which gave me a bad feeling about this. "Does that make you sad? Does it just ruin everything? Mindless little drones!" She yelled. "How could you forget what she did to us. How could you forget I was supposed to be your QUEEN!!!" She yelled louder as Chad then ran to her. "Time out! Time out." He then smiled at Audrey. "First off, great new look. I love the feathers. But before you do what you're gonna do, I was wondering if you needed a loyal boyfriend by your side? Partner in crime? Side kick? Or maybe just a lackey to do your bidding? Uh change tires, smoothie runs." He begged her as she thought. "You could be useful. Get behind me." Chad smiled as Audrey continued. "Since Auradon likes to forget so much. They'll love this." She smirked and started singing while creating a pink smoke putting people to sleep. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you." She then walked to the edge as I hid behind a pillar. "Happy birthday dear Jane. Happy birthday to you." She finished. "The enchanted lake." I smiled and got in as the smoke got close to me. After being under the water for a while, the pink smoke cleared up. As soon as I came up i gasped for air. I looked around to see everyone a sleep. "Oh no." I swam to the side and pulled myself out of the water. Once I got I grabbed my phone. Instantly I called Bella. It rang a few times then she answered. "Bella!" I some what yelled. "I know, I know Jane. I'm so sorry, Ben and I are on my way now to..." I cut her off. "No! Audrey has the scepter and crown. She put everyone at the lake to sleep. I'm gonna call mother and tell her to get her wand." I hung up. I noticed my water sprayer and decided to fill it up with the lake water. It might come in handy. After I filled it, I called my mom.

Bella's POV

"Wait, is Carlos with you!?" I asked but she hung up before I could even ask. Ben looked at me with worry. "Audrey stole the scepter and crown. She is putting everyone to sleep." Ben sighed. "Was Mal and Carlos with her?" I shook my head. "I-I don't know. S-She hung up before I could ask!" I started to panic about what was gonna happen next. "Hey. Hey." Ben said as he hugged me. "Everything will be okay? Nothing bad will happen to him." I nod. I sure hope so. I hugged him back. "Lets go to my office. I'm sure we can figure something out. Also you can call Carlos." Ben says and I nod. We then run to his office.

Mal's POV

Once we got to the Isle we parked our bikes close to home. I took my helmet off and looked at my hands. "Hey, I'm me again." I smiled feeling my face. "Duh, black magic doesn't work here. That's kinda the point." Celia comments as I smile. "Welcome back." Evie adds as she puts an arm around me as we walk. We soon reach the entrance as Celia does the secret knock. We all walked in as Celia reunited with her dad. I smiled as we all looked around letting Celia get the key. Carlos goes to the TV and enters a coin turning it on. "Alert as a sleeping spell spreads over Auradon." Carlos frowns. "Uh, guys!" We all walk over to him. "Rumor has it that Sleeping Beauty's daughter Audrey is behind the spells. Now we are trying to uncover what villian is truly behind this evil. Update, its moving this way? Its moving this way!" We all then run to exit back to our bikes. "Wow, rookie mistake." Carlos commented as I see Gil, and three goons on our bikes. "Long time no see." Gil says as he takes off with our bikes. "Get off my bike jerk!" Jay says to Gil. "Catch me if you can Jay." He smirked and drove off. Jay, Carlos, and Evie then take off after then as I stop Celia. "Hey hey hey, not you. They got this. We need to go find the ember." Celia nods. "Good timing, I mean it's right around his nap time." Celia nods as leads the way to Hades Lair. Once we get there she unlocks the door. "Hey, how big is the dog?" I ask and she sighs. "Just wait and see." I nod as we enter his cave. Celia then stops. "Be very quite, it echoes like crazy in here." I nod as we continue. We reach a point as the dogs start barking. Celia motions for me to keep moving which we do. We then arrive at a bike which we get on and pedal our way there. The dog barking gets louder which worries me. We finally make it and we see the ember next to sleeping Hades. Celia shows me the cause of barking then motions me to go right. I nod and go for the ember as she cuts the dog sounds. "What are you doing here?" He asked. Celia then piped up. "I noticed you were low on canned corn." She tossed it to him as I go for the ember but he grabs my hand. He then takes the ember and looks at me. "Hi, Dad." I say to Hades.

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