chapter 1

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Mal Narration.

Ahh.... Auradon, beautiful isn't it. I'm Mal and this is my home. It wasn't always, I was born on the isle of the lost, where all villain's were banished. That is until Prince Ben and Princess Bella decided that the kids of the villain's should be given a chance. So there for the VK's got a chance to live their happily ever after. Long story short Ben and I feel in love and I am his girlfriend! Now for Carlos and Bella? Well they are happily married and have been for almost a year now. Finally, let me go back to the beginning of this story. Back to where our story began to hopefully give four more VK's a chance at their happily ever after as well.

To the Isle

Villian kids looking at a news paper. "Guys look! Its VK Day!!!!" They all run off. Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie enter the Isle. They all shout "From the north to the south from the east to the west! Lost boys, lost girls you all know you're the best. Hit the streets now your time, turn it up. Now's your chance, it's time to get up on your feet and dance!" They separated to see all the kids. They gathered all of the groups up, they then collected the VK applications. After they all picked the four new VK's Evie spoke. "I can't believe this day has finally arrived!" She smiled as everyone cheered."I honestly wish we could take you all with us and some day very soon, we can." Evie finished and looked at Mal. "Yeah, we're going to be back so many time, you'll be sick of us." Everyone laughed. Evie then asked for a drumroll as everyone started stomping. Evie went first, "First, I'd like to begin with the granddaughter of Lady Tramaine, daughter of Drizella, Dizzy Tramaine. My Dizzy." Everyone cheered. Carlos went next, "Next, the son of Smee. Come on Squeaky." Again everyone cheered. Jay then said, "and no way are we splitting up the twins. So get over here Squirmy, come on!" Mal then continued. "Now certainly, but not least. We all picked this girl cause we thought she'd need a little bit of Fairy God Mother's goodness class. Give it up for Dr. Faciliar's daughter Celia!" Celia raised her hands up and said, "I'm bad." While walking up to Mal. They gathered the kids and told them to go pack their own stuff. "We'll pick you guys up in a week." Jay said, then Mal asked, "Were are we going?!" All of the villian kids shouted "We're going to Auradon!" Mal and the gang laughed at their excitement while looking at Auradon.

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