Part 17

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Next Day

The next morning

Carlos, Mal, Ben, and Bella were all gathered with Belle and Beast in Audrey's room. Her grandmother was also there along with her mother Aurora. Carlos and Bella stood back with her parents as Mal waited by Audrey's bed. Ben stood behind Mal with his hand on her shoulder. Just then, they hear the limo doors as Mal stands up. "He's here." Mal says as she looks at Ben. The royal guards walk Hades to the room as Beast stood in front of Hades. They had a stare off as Hades made a weird clicking noise and Beast growled in return. "Dad." Mal says warningly as her dad Hades stops and looks to Mal. Bella walks over gently taking her dad's hand as she pulled him back. They all stood back as Hades walked over to Audrey's bed. He then looks to Mal lifting his hands. "I can't do what I need to do with these on." He says to Mal. Ben and Bella look to the guards nodding instructing them to take the cuffs off of Hades. Once they do, Bella walks over to Hades. Bella holds the ember up to him as Hades looks to her. "Please, can you wake her?" She asked as he smiled to Bella. "Can do, just stand back." Bella then hands Hades the ember as he regained his power. Bella walks back to Carlos as Hades looks to Audrey. Hades crouches down as he waves the ember over Audrey's bed. With in seconds Audrey walks up as she sits up. They all gasp in happiness as Audrey sits up awake now. "I'm so sorry." Audrey instantly says as she looks to everyone in the room. Audrey then looks to Mal as she moved close to her. "I wanted to hurt you." Mal nods as she smiles sympathizing with Audrey. "I owe you an apology. I haven't been the nicest to you either." Mal says taking Audrey's hand. Audrey smiles to her as she accepts the apology. Just then Hades was cuffed again as he turns to Bella. He hands me the ember while smirking. "Keep it safe." Bella smiles and nod as she takes hold of the ember. The guards then start escorting Hades back out of the room as everyone was focused on Audrey. Mal looks sees Hades leaving as she runs to the door. "Dad!" She yells as the guards stop letting Hades look back at Mal. "I'm gonna miss you all over again." Mal says with tears in her eyes. Hades smiles to Mal as Mal walks over to Hades. Mal hugs him tightly as Hades hugs her back. Mal gently kisses Hades on his cheek as Hades smiled to his daughter Mal. Bella looks out the door as she sees Mal standing in the Hallway watching Hades being taken away. Along with Uma, Harry, Gil, and Celia. Bella walks over gently placing a hand on Mal's shoulder. "You okay?" Bella asked Mal. Mal starts off nodding but quickly shakes her head instead. "I failed them, Bella." Bella frowns as she hugs Mal. "You didn't fail them, Mal. I'm sure one day. You'll be able to reopen the barrier and be the VK Queen, that both isles need." Mal looks to Bella as Mal smiles to her and hugs Bella back. Mal then nods. "Yeah, one day." Mal says as she watches the limo leave.

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