Chapter 3

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Bella's POV

I sat next to Mal as Carlos sat up near the window to talk with Jay. Mal smiled at me and turned to me. "So how has the magic come along?" I laughed. "Its good, I've got it under control and I've tried to make sure it doesn't show. I don't need an accidents." Mal giggled as she and Ben sat next to each other. I looked at Carlos and smiled, I love him so much. Jay then announced that we had arrived. Evie squealed and basically bolted out the limo once Jay stopped. Mal giggled at Evie's hurry as well all got out the limo. Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay basically all ran to go get their villian kid while Ben and I decided to stayed at the limo. Ben sighed, "So? Am I gonna be an uncle sometime soon?" I gasped and punched his arm causing him to laugh. "Chill, we've only been married for about 11 months and 5 days. Plus we haven't talked about kids yet." Ben laughed as I shook my head at him. I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled. "It feels nice to be with you sis, haven't had time to since I've been king." Ben adds, I nod. "Yeah, I miss messing with you." We both laughed while waiting for everyone. Evie and Dizzy were first to make it back. Dizzy ran and attacked Ben an I. "Thank you so much for welcoming me to the kingdom!" I laughed. "Your more then welcome princess Dizzy." She smiled at me then hugged me again before getting into the car. Jay, Carlos, and Mal all made it back at the same time. "Ready to go m'lady?" Carlos asked and held his hand out. "Why yes my handsome prince." He smiled and led me to the front. Everyone piled in as Evie shouted, "where are we going?" Everyone replied, "Auradon!" We all laughed as we left the Isle. The new vk's watched the barrier almost closed when Hades pushed through. Dizzy yelled causing Jay to stop the car. Mal, Ben, Carlos, Jay, and I all got out as Evie told  the kids to stay in the car. Ben, Jay and Carlos ran at him to push him back but he blasted them away with his magic. Mal's eyes instantly turned green as she got mad and turned full dragon. She tried blowing him back with her wings but Hades blasted Mal causing her to fall to the ground. "Mal!" I yell as she turned back to normal. Ben went to help her up. I felt my eyes turn blue again as I blasted Hades back. Only as I blasted him back, my energy felt like it was being sucked from me. When Hades was finally pushed back to the Isle I fell to the ground as well. Carlos grabbed me helping me up. Ben and Mal came to my side as well. "Bella? You okay?" Mal asked. I nod and soon was very dizzy holding onto Carlos to stay standing. Carlos and Ben looked worried as Mal continued knew what happened. "It felt like...." I said trying to think of something but I started feeling light headed. "Like our magic was being pulled from our bodies. Bella's must have been drained with mine when she blasted him." Ben helped Mal back into the limo. "Bella? You okay?" Carlos asked me as I stumbled a bit. "I don't feel good." The last thing I remember was Carlos grabbing me as I fell. I passed out.

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