Part 4

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Audrey's POV

Today was horrible. I've been trying so hard to be the Queen, but nothing seems to work. What my Grammy said kept ringing in my head. 'You're nothing compared to your mother' and 'Your mother could keep a prince in her sleep'. I've been drawing what I would look like as Queen and crying in my room. "I'm so tired of pretending.... where's my happy ending?" I shut my book and turned on my bed. "I followed all rules, I drew inside the lines, I never asked for anything that wasn't mine. I waited patiently for my time, but when it finally came. He called her name." I stood up and close my eyes. "I feel this over welming pain. I mean it in my vains, I mean it's in my brain." I picked up the picture of Ben and I smiling. "My thoughts are running around like a toy train. I'm kinda like a perfect picture with a broken frame." I toss the picture down upset. "I know exactly who to blame." I pick up the fire pick. "I never thought of myself as mean. I'd always thought that I'd be the queen." I spin around. "And there's no in between. Cause if I can't have that? I will be the leader of a darker than bad. Cause there's a devil on the shoulder where the angel use to be.... and he's calling me the queen." I quickly left the palace and snuck over to the museum. I walk in and use a spell from the spendal to knock the guard out then shut all cameras off. I then walk to where the Evil Queen's crown was being held. I smirked seeing the crown. "Being nice was my past time, but I've been hurt for the last time. And I will not let another person take advantage of me, the anger burns my skin. Third degree." I walk up to the steps. "Now my blood is burning hotter than a fiery steam. There's nobody getting close to me. They're gonna bow to the Evil Queen. Your nightmares my dream. Just wait till they fall for my wicked schemes." I smirk then break the glass case around the crown. "I never thought of myself as mean.... I'd always thought that I'd be the queen." I grab the crown and turn around smirking. "And there's no in between. Cause if I can't have that? I will be the leader of a darker than bad." I walk down the steps tossing the bar and holding the crown. "Cause there's a devil on the shoulder where the angel use to be and he's calling me the Queen of Mean." I think about my plan again and was gonna toss the crown when all of the sudden Maleficent's scepter called my name. I start walking to the scepter. "Something is pulling me. It's so magnetic. My body is moving, unsure of where I'm heading." I move over to where the basket of apples are pushing them off. "All of my senses have let me defenseless." I place the crown down where the apples were. "The darkness surrounding me is promising vengeance. The price that I'm willing to pay is expensive." I move over to maleficent's scepter as its calling to me then grab the crown again. "There's nothing to lose when your lonely and friendless. So my only interest is showing this princess that I am the queen and my rain will be ENDLESS!!!" I smile as the power of evil changes my outfit as I place the crown on my head grabbing the scepter. "I want what I deserve! I wanna rule the world. Sit back and watch them learn its finally my turn!" I spin in my new outfit happily. "If you want a villian for a queen? I'll be one they've never seen. I'll show what it means." I walk to a podium and lean on it looking at the scepter. "Now that I am bad. I will be the leader of a darker than bad. Cause the devils on the shoulder where the angel use to be and he's calling me The Queen Of Mean." I smirk and slam the scepter down. "I want what I deserve." The light burst causing me to laugh. "Its now MY turn Mal. Just wait. Ben is all mine." I smirk as I spin using the scepters magic to take me to the fairy's cottage.

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