Part 5

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Bella's POV

Once I woke up mom told me some shocking news. I was pregnant! However, I was not able to celebrate or anything as we were all called into a meeting about what happened. "I think we all know why we're here." Dad starts. Mal nods as Ben fidgets with his ring. Carlos has his arm around my waist protectively as I lean against him still feeling a bit weak. "The people are in a panic about Hades, he almost got out." Ben shakes his head as I look at Carlos. "Who knows what he would have done if he got out?" Fairy Godmother add. I look at Ben. "But he didn't." Ben says. "We can't risk having another Villian on the loose." Ben looks at Dad then I look at Mal. "I feel like this is my fault." Mal says breaking the silence. I shake my head and instantly hold her hands. "No it's not." Mal shakes her head. "I'm supposed to protect Audradon." Ben turns to her as they make eye contact. "You do protect Auradon. Both you and Bella stopped him, he's back on the Isle." But then I started thinking. "But every time we open the barrier..... we're exposed to danger." I look at Dad and he nods in agreement. "Maleficent, Uma, and Harry." Dad names the villians who've escaped. Just then Ben gets a text. He turns to check then looks at me. "Maleficent's scepter and Evil Queen's crown have been taken." Fairy Godmother gasped and had a small panic attack. Dad instantly blames Uma. "We dont know that for sure." Carlos adds in. "When the people hear this they'll never wanna leave their houses. What do we tell them?" Mom panics. Mal looks at me teary eyed and I know what she's thinking. I hold her hands tightly and sadly smile. "I think there is only one way to guarantee their safety. I think there should be no more going in and out of the barrier" Mal says as I nod. "We need to close the barrier forever." I added in. Carlos and Ben step back as my parents and godmother agree. "No, there has to be another way." Carlos jumps in a bit unhappy. "I'm sorry Carlos." He runs out of the room staring at me as my heart breaks a bit. "Carlos." Mal lets go of my hand as I then run after him. "Carlos, please." I catch up to him and grab his hand. "I can never see my mother again? What about the kids we promised?" He slightly yells at me. "I know and I'm sorry, but there's just too much at stake right now. Carlos, I was hurt by Hades when I pushed him back. I am so sorry, but for now this has to be done." I start to cry a bit as I place my hand on his cheek. "We'll figure something out. For now, it just has to be this way." He looks at me then hugs me tightly as he slightly cries. "Everything will be okay. I promise." I smile then kiss him. "I love you Bella De Vil." He says causing me to smile. "And I love you Carlos De Vil." He and I smile as I place my forehead against his. "Want me to walk you to practice." He kisses my forehead then grabs my hand. "I would love that." He turns and starts walking as I hold onto his arm laying my head on his shoulder.

Back to Ben and Mal

Ben's POV

I shake my head at what was just decided. We can't be seriously doing this. I saw Bella run out after Carlos Mal walks up to me. "Ben. Hey, Bella and I do not want to take away your dream because it is so beautiful. It's why I fell in love with you." Mal smiles at me and my heart skips a beat as I look into her beautiful eyes. I still don't understand her reasoning. "But as king and queen, what's our duty?" She asked me. I was still in shock and remembered. "To protect Auradon." I calmed down a bit. She was right. "But do you know what this will mean? All those kids. Are you prepared for that?" I asked her and I could see the remorse in her eyes. "I know what it means, and no. I am not prepared for it. I just think we have no other choice. He hurt me and mainly Bella." I still don't think we have no other choice, there has to be a better option. "Son." Dad calls me as I look at him. "Mal is right." Mal let's go of my hands and walks to my parents. "I just don't know what we would do if anything bad happened to Bella or anyone." I can agree with her on that but still. I then walk out of the room as Mal follows. "I need time to think." Mal stops me. "Hey." She stops me and looks me in the eyes. "We will get through this. I promise." She kisses me and I kiss back. "I'll be over with  Evie if you need me, okay." I slightly smile as she nods. As she is about to leave I grab her hand and pull her into a hug. "I love you Mal." She hugs me back a bit more. "I love you too Ben." I kiss her forehead as I let her go. I watch her as she walks away then head over to my office.

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