Part 12

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Bella's POV

I had looked EVERYWHERE for Ben and I could not even find him. I had stayed put...ish like Carlos asked me to. I have a feeling Ben was around here somewhere, I just didn't know where. After searching for a while I decided to take a break. So I looked around and decided to just sit on a big rock close by. I sat there for not even a minute when I hear a snap behind me. I look behind me and growl for some reason. I cleared my throat in embarrassment. "Ben?" I asked then stood on the rock and all of the sudden I see Carlos over by a bush leaning on a different rock. "CARLOS!" I scream and run to him. I see him jump upon me screaming his name. He is in shock at first then grabs me in a tight hug and laughs while spinning me around. "I'm so happy your okay!" I laugh as he then sets me down and actually looks at me. "Wow, love the hair and ears. Can I see the fangs?" He laughs at me while I roll my eyes and smile at him. "Nice." He smiles at me then kisses my forehead while wrapping an arm around me. "I'm happy to see you and that your okay too. I missed you." I look at him then I look at Jay right as Harry and Gil pop from behind him. "What are they doing here?" I frowned at them causing growl to emit from me again. "Its okay, they're helping us find Audrey and hopefully defeat her." Jay says but I looked at Carlos and sigh in frustration. "Fine." Harry looked me up and down to which Carlos noticed and pushed me behind him. I smiled at this until Ben had jumped out scaring Jay, Carlos, Gil, and Harry. "There you are! You idiot! Where did you go!" I yelled at him and he kept glaring at Carlos and the others. Jay then hit Carlos's shoulder "You're the animal expert, do something." This caused Carlos to freak making me laugh. However, it was NOT funny to Ben. Carlos look at him as I noticed a thorn in his hand... or paw. "H-Hey Ben. Remember me? Carlos, your sister's husband." Carlos kept his eyes on Ben but hearing him say Husband NEVER gets old. Carlos looked at me in confusion on what to do. "His hand... or paw. It has a thorn in it." He nods and slowly approaches Ben as everyone watches. Carlos slowly reached for Ben's paw then snatched the torn out of his paw quickly. Carlos ran back to me and Ben looked like he was ready to attack when he all of the sudden he was sprayed with water knocking him back. I looked behind me to see Jane. "Jane!" I yelled and ran to her hugging onto her tightly. "You're okay!" She laughed at me. "Yeah, but you look just like a beast." I rolled my eyes the looked back at Ben. He looked just like me now but he has a beard going on. "A beard suits you." I complemented Ben. He laughed at this and walked right next to me. All of the sudden Ben and I were both sprayed. "Alright! Alright! Alright! I don't think it will fix us completely." Ben argued as Jane stopped. "Well dang, I guess The Enchanted Lake Water can only do so much." She shrugged her shoulders causing me to laugh. "Hello Beautiful." Harry smirked while slowly approaching Jane. "Hey! Not the time!" I snapped. "Yeah, we need to met back up with Mal and Uma." Jay added. "Wait, Uma is here? How is Mal? Is she okay?" Carlos laughs. "Details to follow." Carlos said. I agreed as we all started walking to Evie's place. "Is Uma working with Mal?" Jay, Harry, Carlos, and Jane all turn to him. "DETAILS TO FOLLOW!!" Jay pushes Ben as we all walk to Evie's place.

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