Part 11

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Carlos's POV

Once back at Auradon Mal tried calling Ben and Evie tried Dizzy and Doug. "Everyone's a sleep." I commented as made it to the courtyard and looked around. "I can't get a hold of Ben." Mal said in frustration. A second later Evie walked over. "Dizzy and Doug are not answering either." They both looked at me. "I'll try Bella." I walked off a bit as the others looked around. "Please, pick up." I begged. All of the sudden I hear her voice "Carlos! You're okay!" she slightly yells in the phone. "Bella! Yes, I am safe!" I sighed in relief. "Carlos? Where are you!? What happened!?" I smiled. "I'm okay. I had to go to the Isle with Mal. We got Hades Ember in order to defeat Audrey. How are you? Is everything okay?!" I hear her laugh. "I'm perfectly fine, just a bit.... cursed. I'm a beast. I have more hair on my head, fangs, and I have dog ears basically. But other than that, I'm good. I'm better knowing you are safe!" She laughed which made me laugh. "But Ben is full on Beast. I lost him in the enchanted forest." I nodded. "Okay, stay put. I'll be there soon. Also I'm happy everything is okay. I love you." I smiled. "I love you too." We both hang up as I run to Mal. "I got a hold of Bella!" Mal looks at me with a smile of relief. "Perfect! What about Ben?" I frown. "They were both cursed. Bella is half beast but Ben is full on Beast." Mal groaned. "Well so much for that." Mal rolled her eyes. "What ever, let's just look for clues about this Rogue Princess in the castle. Maybe we'll find something in her room." Uma says. We all walk into the castle but we get distracted by the claw marks on the wall. Suddenly Dude comes around the corner. "Hey guys!" I smile. "Dude! You're okay!" I kneel and pet him. "Have you seen Ben?" Dude shakes his head. "No, but his scent is strong here. Maybe he came back?" I nod "lead us then." Dude runs off as we follow him. His sent lead us to the armor room. "So he can talk, cuddle, and smell. Hey, do you think his puppies would be able to talk too?" Gil asked me. I laughed as his question. "He's taken, but you can adopt and rescue." Gil nodded when all of the sudden a suit started moving. "Uh, guys?" I looked at Mal. "You like a prince Mal? How by a Knight in shinning armor? Or Knights?" We all panic and turned around to leave but more blocked us from doing so. We all back up as they got closer. "Watch your back. Watch your back!"

(Again , song skip)

"Knights fall, pitch black!" Mal sings as all the knights fall over causing us to cheer. "Yeah! We did it!" Uma cheered. I chest bumped Gil as Harry did to Jay. Then it became slightly awkward after the cheers died down. I then walked with Jay behind Mal as we cheered on. "Come guys. This was Awesome! We were a team." Evie then piped up. "We worked together." She said then tried to get Mal and Uma to agree by reaching for their hands. She then sighed in defeat. "You know what we need? And ice breaker." Mal, Jay, and I all groaned. Evie smiled and turn to Uma and them. "So you start by saying something nice about the other person. I'll go first." She then scanned the three and picked Harry. "Harry." He groaned as well. "Great accent." He then was surprised at her compliment and smirked. "Is she always this perky?" Uma asked leaning past Evie to Mal. "It wasn't your turn but thank you." Mal then half smiled and grabbed Evie. "Evie, I love you but we are really short on time. Audrey clearly knows we are here." Uma then shook her head. "Okay, where does this cheerleader bunker down? Even if she isn't here we may still find some clues in her room." Evie then popped up. "She still lives in dorms." Mal then snapped. "Your right! For summer school." Harry then laughed about it. "Okay, you boys need to go find Ben and Bella. Evie, Uma, Celia, and I will go to Audrey's dorm." Mal stated to Jay and I. I nodded as Jay and I walked off, Uma then snapped causing Gil and Harry to groan and follow us.

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