Part 16

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Mal's POV

I transformed into a dragon and flew up to see Audrey holding Celia hostage. "Yeah! Save your little friend Mal!" Audrey smirks upon seeing me. I looked down to see Bella watching me. I looked back at Audrey and flew around her and blasted an fire ball at her. She dodged it with the cepter and laughed. She then started shooting blast at me from the cepter to which I dodged. Right as I was about to blast her with fire again, she pulled Celia in front of her. "Careful not to hurt your VK buddy." She smirked at me.

Bella's POV

Mal stopped all of the sudden as Uma runs up to me. "What's going on?!" I look at her. "Audrey has Celia." I panicked. "Mal!!" I scream once I see Mal hit by Audrey. Uma shakes her head
"She doesn't stand a change without that ember!" I look at Uma as she looks up at Mal and screams. "I'm right here Mal! I'm with you!" Mal smiles and holds the ember out. "Regain your might and ignite!" Uma yells. The ember sparks a bit but doesn't ignite. "NO!" Uma yells in panicked as Mal dodged another shot. I grab her hand causing our hands glow blue. She looks at me as I nod as I feel my eyes change to blue. We looked back up at Mal. "Regain your might and ignite!!!" We both yell as Mal looks at us thankful when the ember burst into a bright blue flame! We shout and yell in accomplishment. Mal then blast Audrey with the ember as we hear her scream. After a bit Mal flies back down with Celia and a passed out Audrey. I run to Celia and hug her as Harry holds Audrey. Mal turned back to normal and runs to me. I hug her happily that she is okay. "What happened?!" I ask her. "I don't know, after I hit her with the ember she passed out and won't wake up." All of the sudden Fairy Godmother, Jane, Doug, and Gil run up to us. "Oh my goodness, we must take her to her room." Harry follows Fairy Godmother as we follow behind as well. We lay her in her bed then after a bit, Carlos, Ben, Jay, and Evie meet us in Audrey's room. "Is she okay?" Ben asked. "Yeah, she's just in a sleeping curse." Ben nods. I stand by Carlos as Evie looks at Mal. Mal looks back at her. "There is only one person who I know can undo this spell." I look at Mal. "Who?" Evie and Mal both look at me but Evie looks back at Mal. "Hades." I look shocked and laugh. "I'm sorry, but how would we know if he would agree to that?" I look at Ben. "He wouldn't." Mal then stands up. "Yes, he would." Mal said as Ben stepped forwards. "He attacked you. He wouldn't help us." Mal looked at Ben. "He would help us, because he's my father." This shocked everyone but Evie. Mom and Dad then ran into the room. "Mom! Dad!" I yelled and hugged them. "Oh, I'm so glad you kids are okay. How is Audrey?" Mom asked. "She's is a sleeping spell. Mal said Hades could help undo it." Ben said. "No! We are not gonna allow that. He is far too dangerous and hurt both Mal and Bella!" I placed a hand on Dad's arms. "Dad, it'll be okay. He'll help us because that's her dad." He looked from me to Mal. "Fine, we will have some men go fetch him tomorrow. In the mean time, we need to rest and I will call her grandma in the morning. Go to bed, all of you." We all nod and walk out of the room. "Uma, you and the guys can take my old room. Make yourself comfortable and you guys can go back when they leave tomorrow morning." Uma nods at me as a motion a guard to show them to my room. After that, the rest of us go back to our separate rooms.

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