Part 14

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Audrey's POV

I was so mad! They were closer on my trail then I thought they would ever be. I scream and pace around trying to figure something out. "They're close on my trail. Let's mess them up a little." I smirk and look at Chad, my little lost puppy. "I say we go back to my castle, my cuddle a little? Watch a movie?" His poor choice of words trying to calm me irritates me even more. I don't want Chad, I want my Ben back. My king. I wave my hand down causing him to fall to his knees which makes me happy. "Hey, Hey, okay. What about Pizza?" I push him all the way on his butt. "Okay, you don't like that obviously. Maybe salad?" Finally I smile and push him into the closet screaming. I lock the door locking him in there causing me to laugh. I'm done with these games. After hearing his cries I walk away and out of the cottage. Time to make my next move.

Mal's POV

"Hey, Ben. Do you know where Audrey went for the summer last year?" I ask him as we all walked back inside Evie's place. "Yeah, she goes to the cottage, where the three fairies took her mom." Ben looks at everyone. Bella kinda laughs "That's ironic." Carlos nudges her arm causing her to look from him to me. Her smile drops. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for that to sound mean or anything." I laugh causing her to stop. "It's okay, well then we need to go there to find her and stop all of this once and for all." I nod at Bella who smiles. Jane pipes up. "I could also get my mom to help! She could help find and stop Audrey." I forgot she was even here. "Yeah, we can all go!" Bella says but Carlos shakes his head. "No, you go with Jane to find Fairy Godmother." Carlos and Bella whisper fight but I don't listen in. "Okay, so Doug, Gil, and Bella go find Fairy Godmother with Jane. The rest of us go find Audrey." Carlos says to which Bella groans. "Fine, let's go guys." Bella says while walking out with the others. I look at Carlos who just nods as the rest of us go find Audrey.

Carlos's POV

We all started our mission to the cottage. Ben signaled to us to be quite once we got closer. We quietly and quickly snuck to the front. Ben told up to stay as he got up and smashed the door open. We all ran inside looking for her. Jay ran upstairs "All clear!" He yelled down. I groaned as did everyone else. "She's not here." Mal said. That was until the locked door started moving. We all froze. Someone then started banging on it as Ben walked over and opened it. "Chad?" We all said in confusion. "I'm free? IM FREE!!" He yelled in excitement and ran out. We all looked at each other wondering what the heck? Harry started laughing as we all started walking out of the cottage. "Well that was a bust." Uma said. Mal groaned in frustration. "Where could she be now?" I shrugged my shoulders. "We don't know, but we'll find her." I tried to reason with her.

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