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Hello everyone! So this is not an apology or anything as I have made promises to update and continue the story. However, I've broke them several times and have yet to complete this story. So I wanted to say, that one day, this story will be complete and be over with. Now how long that will take, I have no clue. I am currently working on writing more and I think I'll be done in a couple more chapters. Now, I am seriously debating if I wanna make another story. I know Cameron Boyce has pasted, they made an animated Mal's wedding, and Descendants has started branching off. But I am debating if I wanna continue and keep his character alive. I am still thinking about it and trying to figure out a way to continue the story if I do go forward with that plan. So, thank you to all who have read all three stories and helped me better these stories. I really appreciate it you guys and I will hopefully finish soon. Comment if you would like to see it continued or if I should stop after this story. ❤️

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