Part 18

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Bella's POV

Today was the day. Mal and Ben would be crowned King and Queen officially of Aurondon as well we would all announce that the Isle was closed off for the safety of our kingdom. Carlos held me by my waist as we all gathered while the rest of the students and parents gathered around. Mal sighs as she and Ben walk hand in hand to address everything that has happened. Mal takes a deep breath as she looks back to me. I smile at her and nod as she smiles back. "We..." Mal started as she looks back out to everyone. "Made the decision to close the barrier for good." She starts off as everyone was a bit shocked hearing her words. "But it was wrong. I've learned..... that we can't live in fear. It doesn't protect us from anything." She chuckles shaking her head. I walk over to her as I gently take her hand in mine as Carlos stays by my side. "We never know where the good or the bad are gonna come from." I say as Mal nods smiling. "If it weren't for Uma and her pirates, Auradon would be gone." I continue as Mal looks down as she sighs. "And if it weren't for Hades.... my father." Mal continues. Mal looks down to Audrey as she smiles to her. "Audrey would be gone as well." Everyone gasped and looked around in shock. I look to Mal as I gently squeezed her hand. "You got this." I whisper to her as Carlos smiles and nods too. I lean into him as Mal nods looking at us both. "If I am to be Queen, it is only fair that I be the Queen of not only Aurdon, but the Isle as well." Mal says as she turned to Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother smiles to Mal as she nods proudly to her. She then kneels to Mal as she hands over the wand to Mal. Carlos, Mal, Evie, and Jay all gather around as Ben and I take a step back knowing this was what they needed. "We have to step forward and face this together, face to face." Mal says as she sends a spell to the Isle breaking the barrier. Ben and I smile looking to each other as we nod. I walk back over to Carlos gently holding his hand smiling as he then brings my hand up gently kissing my hand. I smile to him as we all run down to great the people on the Isle and welcome them to Auradon.

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