Part 13

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Mal's POV

After we split up, we all ran up to Audrey's room to check to see if we could find anything useful. Once we reach her room Uma and Celia look around her room in awe. Evie looked around for something as well as I. Soon Uma jumped on her bed. "Ugh, how could you be mad with a bed like this?!" I rolled my eyes seeing Celia and Evie over at her vanity. Just then Uma sat up and pulled a book from under Audrey's pillow. Uma opened it and started looking through it. "Wow Mal, you seriously ruined this girls LIFE." She then looked at me. "No wonder she has a taste for revenge against you." I sigh and fold my arms. "Did you find anything useful we could use to find where she is hiding?" Uma stood up and threw the diary down. "There was a section of her vacationing in a small cottage, the same cottage where those three fairies took her mom." I nod. "Okay, I get it! I don't know where that is but Ben should. Let's all go back to Evie's place and meet back up with the boys." We all leave heading to E's castle.

Once we arrive Uma stops and looks at the place. "Wow." Evie walks up beside her smiling. "I know, I got a good deal on it too." I smile as well all walk inside. Once inside we see Dizzy and the twins fast a sleep on the couch. Celia walks over and places a blanket across Dizzy and the twins. "Don't worry Dizzy, we stop Audrey and wake you guys." She looks at us when there is a loud snore from the room over. "Doug!" Evie yells seeing as he is sleeping on the floor. "Doug, wake up!" Evie shakes him as Uma and I stand at the door. "He won't wake. Only true loves kiss can wake him." Uma looked at Evie as Evie kind of shrugged. "Well we haven't really used the L word yet." We nod as she looks at Doug. She leans in a bit but then looks at us. "Could you give me a minute?" We nod leaving the doorway.


Evie leans down kissing Doug. Doug does not move and I was about to say something when he started laughing. Evie looked mad at him but I could tell she was happy. Uma left to go see what Celia was doing seeing as she was eating cake. "Hey, I just wanted to say.... Thank you." Uma looked at me. "Is there supposed to be an insult following?" I laugh and smile. "No, I just wanted to say that it was smart. Going to search her room." Uma looked shocked at me. "Thanks." We both smiled when all of the sudden board started flying up over the windows and doors. Celia ran to open a door but it would not open. "We're trapped!" She yelled out then ran back into the room. Soon Evie and Doug followed. I instantly raised my hands up. "You caused my friends pain and fear we've had enough now disappear." Nothing happened as I grabbed my palm massaging it. "Audrey's powers must have gotten stronger. I can't stop the spell." Just then Uma grabbed my hand and nods. We look towards the planks on the windows and both shout. "You caused my friends pain and fear we've had enough now disappear." At first nothing happened. Then all the boards fall down. We laugh and celebrate. Celia runs to the door. "Mal! Is that your boo?" With that I ran to the door and outside. "Ben!" I yelled and ran into Ben's arms as he picked me up hugging me.

Bella's POV

Mal was the first outside running to Ben as everyone else followed and reunited. Carlos smiled as Mal then came to me and hugged me. "Hey! How do you feel?" I hugged her back as Evie comes over. "I'm doing great, thanks." I smile and hug Evie as Mal goes back over to Ben. "Woah, I love the beard and teeth." She giggles making Ben smile. Carlos wraps his arm around my waist. "Wait, did you guys see Audrey?" Evil asked. I nodded. "Yeah, she came to try and convince Ben she should have been Queen. When Ben denied her, she spelled us." I showed my vangs as well. Carlos laughed. "Not gonna lie, you look great with vangs as well." I laughed and gently showed him away which only resulted in him hugging me closer.

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