Part 8

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Mal's POV

"Quite the show you put on." Hades said with a smirk. "Right back at cha." I replied back while holding eye contact. "I was just coming to se you." He chuckled while standing up and walking around his chair to me. "Really? I wonder why. Is it because I'm gonna be queen?" I sarcastically replied as he chuckled. "Awe, Mal don't be bitter." I rolled my eyes at him and folded my arms. "You left me when I was a baby." Hades instantly raised a finger at me and looked at me. "No! No. I left your mother when you were a baby. She's....." He then chuckled and gripped his fist. "She's not the easiest person to get along with." I airily laughed "ya think?" Hades then wrapped his scarf around his neck. "See! We have something in common! We both hate your mother." I shook my head and pointed at my dad while stopping him. "No! I do NOT hate my mother. She may be a evil lunatic, but at least she stuck around." It was true I love my mother but I also missed my dad very much. I would always wonder what it was like to have my dad in my life. "Awww, boo hoo. You think you've it rough? I use to be a GOD!" He yelled in my ear hurting my ear. He walked off. "I used to have an entire world which bore my name and now..... I have nothing." He said and looked at me. "You have no idea what that feels like." That hurt and angered me BIG TIME. "Really! Because for 16 years I had nothing and now I have a whole world. But unless I get that ember its game over." I held my hand out which my dad was gonna hold but I retracted my hand. He then nodded. "Hold please." I sighed as music started playing which I rolled my eyes to, really Dad?

(Song is above because I was too lazy to type it all up. Sorry! But enjoy the video!)

"Pa-lease." I said as my dad pretended to act like a cheering crowd. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. He made eye contact with me as I turn to him and held my hand out again. "You wanna make up for being a lousy dad?" I could see a spark in his eyes and made an offer. "Give me the ember then." He smirked and held the ember out in front of me. "The ember only works for me." I shook my head. "No, it'll work for me. I have your blood." Hades chuckled again and held the ember over my hand. "No, you're old half hades. It won't do all the things it does for me." I smirked and tried snatching from his hand but he moved faster then me. "I'll take my chances." I replied back. He then sighed and handed the ember over. I half smiled at him and turned around. "Come on, Celia." She nodded as we both walked away and back to the bike. "If it gets wet, its game over!" He yelled as we left, to which I replied to with a small wave goodbye. I then hear Hades faintly say behind us as we get on the bike. "That's my girl." This made me smile as we then headed back to meet with everyone else back at the opening. Once we got out of Hade's lair we ran over the entrance to the Isle. "You got the ember?" Carlos asked. I nodded and smiled at him. "Yup! Now time to go stop Audrey." Thankfully Jay still had the remote and opened the barrier. As soon as I stepped out, I felt the magic that turned me old return then instantly disappear. I airily laughed as everyone walked out behind me as well. However, after Jay walked out I turned around just in time to see someone hop out of the Isle right before the barrier closed completely.

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