Part 15

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Bella's POV

I can't believe Carlos pushed me away for their group like that! Yeah, I know that I'm pregnant, but doesn't mean I can't help. I'm not even that far along! We all run to go to get office when we see a statue. I walk closer and look at their face. I gasped as Jane, Doug, and Gil run over to me. "Mom?" Jane frowns. "Jane, I am so sorry." She lightly laughs. "It's okay, we will fix this. We will fix this." She nods. I hug her and Doug and Gil look at each other with worry and pitty. "Maybe, we should stay here. In case, she turns to normal." Gil says and Jane nods. "Yeah, maybe it can wear off." She smiles at Gil as we all take a seat.

Mal's POV

"Woah, okay. Let's go get this Audrey chick taken care of." She says causing us all to laugh. "What do you say girls? Time to wrap this thing up?" She looks at me as I smile and nod. "You know, one day you're gonna have to tell me how you two got teamed up." Ben adds while putting his arm around my shoulder. Evie caught up and laughed. "Actually, Mal promised to let all the kids off the Isle once all this is over." This caused me, Ben, and Carlos to all freeze in our tracks. "Mal?" Looked at me worried. I looked at Carlos and Ben, then back to Evie. "I- I actually have to tell you guys something." I frowned knowing I'm about to betray my best friend and the others. Everyone stopped and looked at me. "Umm..." I sighed and looked at Evie and Uma. "I.... lied to you." Evie looked at me confused as Uma looked hurt. I took a shaky breath and looked at Ben and Carlos. "The kids...." I looked back at Uma and Evie. "Won't be... coming off the Isle." Jay shook his head. "What do you mean?" He took a step closer to Evie. "The program is shut down and.... the barrier will be closed for good." Harry shook his hook and groaned while smirking as Evie, Jay, and Uma looked both hurt and betrayed. My heart hurt most seeing the hurt in Evie's eyes. "It's for Auradon's safety." Carlos added. Evie and Jay looked at him with anger and betray as well. Carlos stood by my side. "It wasn't an easy choice." Uma this laughed but I couldn't tear my eyes from Evie who looked angry. "Hold up," she walked in front of us. "We are saving your people. And you're precious behind...." She motioned to Ben. "For a lie?" She looked at me. "I knew it was a mistake to trust you guys." She looked at me then Carlos. Carlos looked down as I looked at him. "I'm sorry." Carlos said then looked at Jay. "And you... king Ben aye..." Harry walked up to Ben. "You're just gonna throw us all back inside." My heart broke hearing that. We never planned on doing that. Not after they helped us. Celia then walked up to me. "You know what?.... I actually though you were brave." Tears slid down her face and I wanted to say something but I was too stunned. "To scared to tell me that I was never gonna see my dad again!" I gasped "Celia..." she then grabbed the ember from my hand and tossed it into the bird bath. "CELIA! No!" Carlos and I ran to the bath. Carlos handed it to me. I tried drying it off. "Regain you might and ignite." I tried reigniting but it didn't work. I turned to Uma. "Please, help me." Uma airrly laughed at me. "You're on your own princess." She nodded to Harry. "Let's go." Her and Harry then started walking away. "Uma!" I begged but she kept walking. I turned and looked at Ben who was worried as our only hope was gone.  Carlos walked by my side as Evie walked closer looking at us both. "Evie, I was afraid to tell you. I'm so so sorry." I sighed and looked down. "Jay, im sorry too." Carlos added as he just shook his head and looked away from us. "We had to protect Auradon." Carlos added. "Closing the barrier was your guys idea?" Carlos looked down. "It was a combined effort." He said. "We did it for all of us, to have a safe life. A better life." I said. "But what about those kids?! The kids we promised? We are their only hope!" Evie shouted. I looked her in the eyes. "I thought you two were gonna stand up for the V.K.'s." Evie added. Carlos walked next to Ben. "Instead you lied to them. Both of you lied to them and you lied to Jay. But more importantly Mal, you lied to me! You're best friend!" She cried. All I could do was cry too at heart broken she was. "We are your family. We are family." She walked away from me. "Evie...." She shook her head as Ben and Carlos were gonna try to reason with them. Right as they moved lightning hit. Pink smoke covered over us as I looked up to see everyone turned to stone. My heart broke and I broke. "No!"

Bella's POV

We all just sat at Fairy Godmothers statue waiting. Gil and Jane started talking but Doug and I stayed quiet. Suddenly I saw a flash of pink in the woods. I stood up and suddenly felt like something wasn't right. "Hey, you guys stay here. I gotta go!" Doug protested but I ran off. As I was running, I saw Uma and Harry. "Guys! What happened?!" Uma gave me an ugly look. "You're a lier and a traitor. Mal told us what you guys are gonna do." I froze. Mal told them we are closing the barrier. "Now you're gonna throw us back on the isle after this." Harry added. "What no, we never..." Uma put her hand up. "Save it, we don't wanna hear it." Uma and Harry walked off. That's when I saw Mal running towards me. "Mal! What happened?! Where's Ben and Carlos?!" I panicked. "They've been turned to Stone. Audrey turned them to stone and Celia threw the amber into water. Audrey won." I shook my head. "No! Mal we can do this! We can...." All of the sudden Celia screamed from up on the castle. "HELP ME MAL!!!" We looked up as Mal's eyes turned green. She turned into a dragon and flew up. I couldn't see anything.

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