chapter 2

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Back over at Auradon

Mal was looking out over the sea keeping an eye out for both Uma and Harry. They haven't show up since the cotillion which worried Mal everyday. Ben went looking for her, as he spots her looking out at the sea like normal. He smirks and decided to sneak up on he causing her to squeal in suprise. Bella and Carlos also walk up as well as Ben scares her causing them to laugh. Mal smiles at us then looks at Ben. "Not a tentical in sight or a pirate ship." Ben looks out, "I think if they were up to something we'd know by now." Mal shakes her head. "No, I know how Villians think and I don't trust Uma. She's gonna wait until our defences are down and then that's when she's gonna strike." We all look out at the view. "I wish I could do a dragon fly over, cause then I could go so much higher." Mal went back to look out. Bella then grabbed the binoculars. "Well, you can't be everywhere at once Mal. You are the future Queen. Plus," Bella bumps hips with her. "We have your back." Mal looks at all the guards watching causing her to smiles. "Come on everyone is waiting for us." Carlos says as he wraps and arm around Bella's waist gentally pulling her away as Bella leans into him. Mal stops Ben, "Wait, so you're getting more guards?" Ben nods "Yes, I am getting more guards. Now breath." Mal smiles and takes a deep breath as her and Ben follow after Bella and Carlos. Everyone is outside waiting for Ben as he comes to stand next to Bella. Ben, Bella, Mal, and Carlos all wave at everyone cheering. "Bibbity bobbity, can everyone hear me?" Jane and Bella yell yes, causing both girls to giggle and looked at each other. Fairy God Mother nods, "Good, so here is Queen Bella." She smiles and gave the mic to Bella. "Thank you Fairy God Mother." Everyone cheers as Ben laughs. "What's up Auradon?!" Bella laughs. "Thank you everyone for being here to welcome the new arrivals." Beast and Belle smile at Bella. "It worked out for the first four." Bella smiles as Carlos walks next to her placing an arm around her wile kissing her temple. Mal smiles as well then looks at Ben. "And we hope to help others find a home here and make new friend... Now enough of just me. Give a hand to my brother Ben and Mal." Bella hands the mic to Ben as Bella and Carlos step down next to Evie and Doug. Ben turns to look at Mal as she smiles and does the same. "Mal, this is the first spot we met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. Did I mention that I'm in love with you?" He smirked as Doug started playing the guitar next to Evie. Mal giggled as Ben started singing. "I met this girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked. Now I'm liven just for her and I won't ever stop. I'd never thought that it could happen to a guy like me but now look at what have you done you've got me down on my knee." Ben then pulled a box out of his pocket as Mal gasped and covered her mouth. "Mal it's you and me forever, will you marry me?" Mal smiled. Bella noticed how Audrey shouted no. She frowned but then smiled when she heard Mal said yes causing everyone to cheer. Carlos then gets too excited and chest bumping Beast. Bella laughs at Carlos as he apologized to her father. Carlos and Jay then ran over to Ben as Bella and Evie ran to Mal. "I'm engaged men!" Ben shouts as they all laugh. "How does it feel?" Carlos asked. Jay laughed at Ben as he just smiled. Mal hugged Evie, "did you guys know!" Bella laughed as Evie nods. "Yes, we did." Bella said as they all squealed and hugged.

Mal's POV

Evie then started rambling on to me how she has my wedding dress planned already. "Also Fairy God Mother and I had your engagement party planned then minutes Ben told us!" Bella added. "Well good thing I said yes." We all laughed then I hugged Bella tightly. I then hugged Belle and Beast, my new mother and father-in-law's as they congratulated me. Fairy God Mother then also hugged me.

Bella's POV

After the hugs we exchanged we all grouped back together. "All bow to her royal majesty!" Jay joked while bowing. "Oh, very well her royal purpleness." Carlos joked. Causing everyone to laugh. "Silence you annoying peasants." Mal retaliated. "Hey, at least I was married before you." Carlos commented as I nudged him. "Leave her majesty alone." I laughed. I then saw Audrey pull Mal. I instantly went by Mal's side and pulled her arm from Audrey. "What do you want?" I said bitterly. "I just wanted to congratulate our queen." She said with bitter. "Thank you!" Mal said. "You won it fair and square, wait. No you didn't, you spelled Ben to destroy Auradon." Mal frowned. "Leave her alone. Ben loves her and she loves him. That's in the past." I butted in. Audrey glared at me. "Oh, but wont that be a touching story for the grandkids?" I rolled my eyes at Audrey. "Leave her alone and go back to Chad." I pulled Mal away from Audrey and glared at her as we walked back to the guys and Evie. Just as we got next to Ben the new purple limo that Ben ordered arrived. Mal smiled as her and Ben got in the car. Evie took the passenger side as Jay drove. Carlos held the door open allowing me in first. Once we were all in Jay looked back. "Everyone ready?" We all shouted and smiled as he started driving off. Time to welcome the new villian kids to Auradon.

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