Chapter 1

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"Tell me again why we are here?" North asked as they sat at a couple of tables in the club.

"Because Jessica's ex has been showing up while she is working and causing problems," Kota glared as he watched his sister bartending. He hated that she had this job but she was adamant about working and putting herself through college with no help from them. He was just thankful she came to him about this ex that was bothering her.

"Who is she talking to?" Nathan asked as he watched Jessica walk over to a girl and start talking to her like she was concerned about something. They noticed that she was doing sign language with the girl but they were too far away to try and figure out what they were signing.

"Luke," Kota said squinting to try and focus on his sister and the girl more.

"Yeah?" Luke asked as he came over to them from going to the bathroom.

"Can you see what Jess is signing?" Kota asked and Luke followed Kota's eyesight.

"Not from this distance," Luke shook his head, "I'll try and get closer." He headed to the dance floor and started mingling.


Jessica wiped down the bar and looked around. "What in the world?" She whispered to herself when she noticed her friend, Zoey at a table looking very uncomfortable. She left the bar and headed over to her. "Hey Zo, what are you doing here? This isn't your scene."

"Oh hey Jess," Zoey said softly while looking down at her hands. "I didn't know you were working."

"What?" Jess asked loudly trying to be heard over the music. She tapped the table and Zoey looked up at her so she signed, What are you doing here Zo? This isn't your kind of scene.

Lincoln wanted to come, Zoey signed looking around nervously.

Hey, are you okay? Jessica signed after she caught Zoey's attention. Do you need to get out of here?

I'll manage, thanks though Jess Zoey signed looking around almost scared.

"Hey Linc," Jessica said tapping Lincoln on his shoulder.

"Hey Jess," Lincoln chuckled, "We could use another round when you get the time."

"Got it," Jessica rolled her eyes, "But also, Zoey isn't looking like she is having a good time."

Lincoln groaned and huffed in annoyance, "She is fine Jessica, she needs to learn how to get out and socialize instead of wanting to stay inside all the time. She will get over it." He turned back to the table of friends he was with, "I swear if she wasn't so...."

Jessica couldn't hear the rest and she really wasn't sure she wanted to hear the rest. She headed back to the table where Zoey was twirling her long ebony hair. Do you need some fresh air, Zo?

Lincoln doesn't want— She froze when a tall blonde-haired guy appeared beside Jessica.

"Luke, hey," Jessica mouthed and Luke smiled.

"Hey Little Sis," He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Everything okay?"

I'm going to the bathroom, Zoey signed beside the table once she caught Jessica's eyes then looked down at her hands.

Would you like me to walk you to the bathroom so no one bumps into you? Luke signed making Zoey's eyes widen in surprise. I'm Luke, one of Jess' brother's best friends. Nice to meet you.

"JESSICA!" Jessica jumped and nodded when she noticed the bar was getting busy again.

She tapped Zoey's hand and smiled when Zoey looked at her nervously Luke is one of my older brothers, he will protect you, She signed. Come see me if you need to you know. Zoey bit her lip nervously and nodded. I promise he will take good care of you since Lincoln is being an ass.

Zoey signed thank you and Jessica gave her a quick hug before heading back to the bar. Luke held his hand out and she looked up at him shyly. He smiled softly and she timidly placed her hand in his. He gently squeezed her hand to get her attention and she looked up at him, Do you have a drink? I don't want to leave it unattended, you never know in places like this. She held up her water bottle and he nodded. He carefully led her to the bathrooms and she smiled gratefully before she headed inside.

Once she was inside she looked around and sighed in relief when she realized it was empty. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she fought for the tears to not break free. Taking a deep gulp, she wiped at her eyes then winced as the pain in her head increased. She bit her lip and forced herself to get control of her emotions. Once she felt she could handle the crowd she fixed her makeup and opened the door. She smiled softly when she saw Luke push off the wall and put his phone back into his pocket.

All better? He signed and she nodded.

"There you fucking are," A deep voice boomed making Zoey jump in surprise. "Come on let's go," a man who was clearly inebriated said grabbing her upper arm tight enough that she winced. "Come on, for someone that hates being in crowds you sure are dragging your ass to get out of here. They are kicking me out, can you believe that? Let's go, I'm not even drunk, let's go somewhere else. Come on," He jerked her arm making her stumble.

"Hey Lincoln," Jess said suddenly appearing. "Can Zo please stay a little longer and hang out with me? I haven't got to see her in forever with my classes. She can even crash with me at my place tonight."

"Fine whatever," Lincoln said irritated as he shoved her into Jessica. "Least I won't have to hear her whine about my drinking." He turned to her, "Now you can't say I didn't do anything for you."

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