Chapter 6

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"Doc, I'm worried," Jess said into the phone. "She hasn't said a single word in weeks and she's barely eating. She's dropped out of school and barely sleeping. I have to go out of town for work soon and –"

"Say no more Jess," Sean said looking at Owen. "She can come stay with us, maybe we can help her."

"Thanks Sean," Jess sighed as she looked at the closed guestroom door. "Sean, I think she's –"

"I'll keep an eye out Jess," Sean nodded even though he knew she couldn't see. "If she is we'll help her stop and overcome it."

"Sean," Jess sighed in relief, "thank you."

"Of course," he said softly. "We'll be over soon to get her. Just try and focus on getting this promotion." He hung up the phone and closed his eyes as he rested his elbows on his knees and thumbs on his forehead. He sighed and pinched his nose.

"What's going on?" Owen asked as the rest of the group waited patiently.

"She's not speaking, lost weight, she's dropped out of school, having trouble sleeping and," He took a deep breath then slowly let it out, "possibly self-harming."

"Shit," Gabe muttered. "I'll go set up a room for her."

"Let's go get her," Kota nodded, "Jess doesn't need to worry about Zoey."

Jess opened the door when they knocked and looked toward the still closed door. "She hasn't ate today. She sipped on the smoothie but that's about it."

"Okay," Kota nodded, "We got her."

"Thanks Kota," She hugged her. "I just don't know what to do anymore."

"She'll be safe with us," Owen nodded. "You just focus on that new job."

Luke opened the door and his heart broke seeing Zoey curled up in the bay window seat staring out the window. He walked over and sat across from her. "Hey Zo," He spoke softly. She remained frozen so he gently picked up her hand and just held it. They sat like that for a few moments then he felt her fingers start to barely move in his. He didn't move, letting her do what she wanted. He smiled when he realized she signed back H then I into the palm of his hand.

He gently turned her face to look at him and forced himself to not react to all the pain that was in her eyes. Will you come stay with us please while Jess goes to her new job out of town for a bit? Please? She just stared at him, void of anything. He nodded and waited. After a few more minutes her bottom lip barely moved out into a very tiny miniscule pout and he smiled softly while pushing some hair out of her face. He eye locked with her and nodded, Alright Little One you will be staying with us for some time. We will help you through this dark time. You are safe with us Little One. Come here and I'll hold you. I'll protect you, we all will. You are safe Cupcake. She scooted just a tiny bit closer to him and he smiled encouragingly, Closer Cupcake, sit in my lap. She very slowly, nervously crawled over and barely sat in his lap. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up against him, making her gasp. Forcing himself not to growl at how much smaller she had gotten since he last saw her, he smiled and moved his hands in front of her so she could see him sign Good Girl. He felt her lean into him slightly more and started wrapped his arms back around her, holding her close.

"Here's her stuff," Jess smiled softly handing Kota her bags. "Keep me updated."

"Of course," Kota nodded.

She walked over to Luke and Zoey and smiled softly, "I'll see you when I get back Zo Zo. Try and have some fun with the guys, alright? They will take great care of you and when I get back we will have to spend the day together catching up. I can't wait to hear what kind of mischief you will give them."

"Kitten good girl," Raven said shaking his head.

"She's got a little bit of spice in her," Jess smirked, "just wait, you'll see."

"Can't wait," North smirked watching the tiny girl sign something to Luke against his hand who nodded. He really needed to start working on having Luke teach him since he forgot a lot. "Ready to go?"

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