Chapter 19

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"Drink this, Baby," North said holding out a water bottle. "Gabe is starting you a bath so you can relax."

"Mhmm okay," She smiled as she took the bottle and started drinking.

"Alright, go to the bathroom then enjoy your bath," North smiled and she nodded.

"Come on Trouble," Gabe smiled as he helped her step into the bathtub. She gasped as the hot water started relaxing her muscles. "Feel good?" He asked as he tilted her head back and kissed her forehead.

"Very," She smiled up at him. "Join me?"

"Like you have to fucking ask," He chuckled as he stepped in the water.

"Here Cupcake, have a snack," Luke said handing her a couple of cookies.

"Join?" She asked taking the cookies from him.

"Okay," Luke smiled as he got into the tub with her and Gabe. "How are you feeling Cupcake?" He asked as he started massaging her legs.

"Good," She smiled as she leaned against Gabe with her eyes closed and a soft smile on her lips. She hummed when she felt Luke's fingers start to move from her calf to her thighs.

"Luke, we are supposed to be letting her relax," Gabe chuckled as he played with her boobs.

"I know Gabe," Luke chuckled, "But just think how good she will feel between us," he growled as he moved in between her legs and kissed Gabe. "Like how good it feels right now."

"Fuck," Gabe groaned as he felt her press into him even more then Luke moaned.

"Shit Cupcake, you keep doing that and it'll be over before it even begins," He said pressing his forehead into hers. "Keep touching me."

"Show me," She breathed as Luke rocked against her moving his cock against her folds. "Please," she begged loving how tight Gabe was holding her hips. "Please show me."

"Just breathe Trouble," Gabe coaxed as he pressed the tip of his penis against her ass. "Relax and let me in," He groaned as he waited for her body to let him sink in more.

"Oh m god, Gabe," She gasped against Luke's chest. "Luke," she couldn't believe how full she felt. "Oh."

"Fuck," Gabe and Luke moaned at the same time as they alternated thrusts.

"Oh," She moaned as they thrust in and out of her. "Ahh,"

"Fucking hell, so tight," Luke moaned as he grabbed Gabe's hips. "Better than imagined."

"Fucking perfect," Gabe groaned, "Fucking ass is so goddamn tight."

"Mhmmm," She moaned clutching Luke's arms.

"Goddamn, taking both of our cocks," Gabe moaned, "Fucking perfect."

"Our good girl," Luke kissed her, "Like our cocks in you?"

"Yes," She moaned "Please, so good."

"That's right," Luke smiled, "Because you are ours, you were made for us. Our good girl."

"Yes, all of yours," She gasped.

"Cum," they ordered at the same time and she orgasmed not even realizing she needed to. She moaned loudly as they shot into her in unison.

"Such a good girl," Luke smiled as they eased out of her as she tried to catch her breath.

"Come on Princess," Victor smiled as he lifted her out of the tub, "Let's get some lotion on that skin," He chuckled as Kota wrapped a towel around her and she leaned forward kissing him softly wrapping her arms around his neck making him growl and drop the towel. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. "Lotion Kota," he smirked as Kota carried her into the room and dropped her on the bed. "Teasing Kota now are we Princess?"

"No," She smiled up at them and shook her head, "Just giving kisses."

"Let me return the gift," Kota smirked as he started placing kisses along her body, teasing her nipples then leaving kisses down her stomach before reaching his destination and started eating her out. She gasped and clutched the sheets as Victor eased into Kota's ass making him moan against her pussy. She moaned as he licked and devoured her as Victor fucked him.

"Fuck, please," She gasped as she felt the tingling start to build up again, "Please."

"Not yet Ten," Kota growled pulling away from her making her whine, "I want you to come on my dick."

"Kota, Master please," She begged as he barely grazed her clit with his fingers, teasing her. "Please."

"I don't know, should we?" He asked as Victor eased out of her. "She after all hid so many secrets from us, especially the fact she is in fact a princess. Who knew Victor's name was accurate?"

"Please," She begged, "I'm sorry, no more secrets. Please."

"Ride his cock, Princess," Victor demanded as Kota got on the bed, "But do NOT come."

"Yes Sir," She gasped as she straddled Kota and ever so slowly took his penis.

"I said ride his cock Princess," Victor ordered as he smacked her ass making her gasp. "Color?"

"Green," She moaned as she started to gently bounce on him.

"Good girl," Owen said as he controlled Sean's mouth on his cock. "Fuck Sean, keep that up and we won't have our turn with Darling."

"You know you can go multiple times," Sean smirked as he pulled away.

"I said NO," Owen glared grabbing his jaw. "We are finishing in Darling. Keep it up and you won't at all tonight, you'll watch everyone else leave their marks on her and you won't."

"Sorry," Sean pouted making Owen furiously kiss Sean.

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