Chapter 3

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"Alright, here you go," Kota said as he unlocked Jessica's house.

"Thank you," Zoey said nervously as she walked into the living room.

"Have you been here before?" Kota asked and she nodded.

"Awesome, alright," He said watching her set her bag down on the table. "Are you hungry?" She shook her head. "Do you want to watch TV?" She shrugged and started twirling the bracelets on her wrist. He noticed she tended to do that when she was nervous. "Well Jess should be here in the next few hours."

"Zoey?" Luke asked kneeling down in front of her where she was sitting on the couch. She looked up at him and he smiled softly Is everything okay? He signed.

Just have a headache, that's all She signed back and he nodded.

"Kota, get me some headache medicine please," Luke spoke softly. "Here, take this then go lay down, we'll stay in here," Luke said holding out two pills while Kota held out a fresh water bottle.

"Hey Sis," Kota said after his phone started ringing. "Yeah, we just gave her some headache medicine. Oh really? Alright, see you later." He hung up the phone with a little smirk on his face. He crouched down and said spoke softly. "Jess has to close up the bar because the other bartender got into a fight with a few customers so she will be a little late coming home. She said to tell you that you can go sleep in her bed and your little black backpack with your stuff is in her closet."

"Oh...okay," She nodded and twirled her bracelets. "Th...thank you." She got up and went into the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

"She's a little?" Luke asked and Kota nodded.

"And apparently the guy she is with is as Jess put it a completely and total asshole. He doesn't allow her to slip from what Jess has seen. She was forced to go to the club and that is what caused her headache," Kota explained as he sat on the couch.

"He's physical with her," Luke nodded. "He grabbed her arm way too tight earlier."

"What's with the signing?" Nathan asked as he turned on the TV.

"She stutters when she's nervous," Luke shrugged, "I think it's a comfort thing."

"Guess we'll have to keep you or Gabe around her until we all learn it," Axel shrugged, "Or at least until we get her comfortable enough around us that she will see that we don't care about her stuttering."

"What are we going to do about the asshole?" Gabe asked.

"I kill him," Raven shrugged, "I professional Russian."

"You can't kill everyone you don't like Raven," Corey shook his head.

"Da," Raven nodded.

"This isn't Russia," Corey shook his head, "You can't do that here." Raven sighed and started muttering in Russian causing Corey to roll his eyes and shake his head again.

"Hey you guys, how is she?" Jessica asked an hour later as she walked in with the rest of the group.

"Guess she's sleeping," Kota shrugged, "she hasn't came out of your room."

"Did she eat?" Jessica asked and he shook his head. "She needs to eat, she didn't the whole time she was at the club. I know for a fact Num Nuts didn't order her anything so she most likely hasn't ate since mid morning yesterday."

"What?" North asked getting upset. "I'll make her something."

"Something simple, North, she will be half asleep," Jessica mumbled. "Do NOT comment on what you are about to see, am I understood?"

"Yes Ma'am," They all mumbled as she headed to the back.

A couple of minutes later she came out with Zoey barely awake and leaning on her. "Come on, you need to eat, Zo Zo, you will get sick if you don't since you took that medicine on an empty stomach."

"Okay," Zoey mumbled rubbing her eyes.

"Fucking hell," North and Raven mumbled under their breath when they saw her. She had on a black crop top Cami with pink lettering that said Hello Kitty with the hello kitty cat on it. She wore pink fuzzy bottoms that said Meow across the back and she had fuzzy thigh high cat socks on.

"Here sit down and I'll get you your hoodie so you don't get cold," Jess said softly while glaring at the guys who were shiftting to sit better. A few seconds later Jess helped her slip on the matching top to her bottoms, a fuzzy cat top including the ears on the hood. "Eat then you can go back to sleep."

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"Seepy," She whined as she picked up the toast but took a bite out of it

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"Seepy," She whined as she picked up the toast but took a bite out of it.

"I know but you need to eat at least one slice," Jess spoke softly.

"So fucking cute," Gabe whispered while Luke nodded.

"Fine," She whined while rubbing her eyes.

Once she was done Jess smiled and moved the plate away. "Alright, come on Zo Zo let's get you back to bed," She stood but Raven came over and gently picked her up.

She whined making him chuckle, "Sleep Kitten." She pouted but leaned against him and drifted back to sleep. "Cute Kitten."

Jessica shook her head as she moved the blanket back, "Not yours Raven."

The men huffed, "yet."

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