Chapter 10

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"Girl they are already nicknaming you," Jessica laughed, "They have never used nicknames, not even with their exes. Hell North and their ex got into a screaming match because he didn't let her wear that shirt and he would only call her by her name."

"So?" Zoey asked, "I'm just your friend and they are helping me with Lincoln."

"If that was the case Raven wouldn't have killed him," Jessica shook her head seriously. "He would have just beat the shit out of him and dumped him at the police station. Raven doesn't kill for no reason. Sure he says it all the time but each murder is for a reason."

"So it's not just because I'm your friend?" Zoey asked. "They want to claim me."

"Yep," Jessica popped the p. "But they are going to go at your pace. The knuckleheads are trying to show you they accept you for you and not scare you away. They know they are a large crazy bunch but they all care about you and it's not the damsel needing rescue shit."

"Even the little Neko sides?" Zoey whispered.

"Even those parts," Jessica nodded. "Trust me, if they had a problem with it, they would straight up say it. I think Sean will love it, he's into all that Japanese stuff."

"Doc?" Zoey asked and Jessica nodded, "He said he wants to watch Show By Rock with me when he gets back and he even told Gabe that he can't buy me any collars or tails or ears."

"I knew it," Jessica chuckled. "He is just trying to make sure Gabe understands how special they are, it's not just a typical accessory." Jessica watched her for a minute. "Hey you okay? With everything that has happened have you really had the time to process everything? Like everything?"

"No," Zoey answered honestly.

"Here I got you a surprise," Jessica hopped off the bed and smiled, "I'll be right back." She came back with a bag, "here, I instantly thought of you when I saw it."

Zoey opened the bag and squealed in excitement as she pulled out the vampire cat squishmallow. "Thank you, Jess!" She squeezed it tightly. "I love it."

"I'm glad," Jessica smiled

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"I'm glad," Jessica smiled. "Well, I'm sorry this is a short visit but I really have to get going. I have to pack so I can hit the road again for work."

"I'm glad you came," Zoey smiled as they headed back down the stairs.

"What do you have there Ten?" Kota asked and Zoey held it up. "Cute."

"J..Je...Jess got him f...for me," She said clutching it tightly.

"He can go with the others," Jess smiled.

"Others?" Gabe asked.

"She's got more at her place," Jess nodded. "Have you been back anyway?"

No, too scared She signed. I don't want to deal with his friends.

We'll go with you, Gabe signed once he caught her attention. You can stay with us, we got plenty of space and storage for your stuff. No one will mess with you.

"There you go," Jessica smiled. "Now I really have to go. I'll come back soon."

"What did she mean there you go?" Nathan asked as Zoey watched her leave.

"Trouble is moving in with us permanently," Gabe said. "She hasn't been back to her place because she didn't want to deal with the asshole's friends.

"Oh okay," Nathan shrugged, "just let me know and I'll make sure I'm off. I have no problem helping pack up her stuff so she can live with us."

"Wh...what?" Zoey asked shocked.

"Yeah," Brandon shrugged as he popped a chip into his mouth. "It'll be fun having you here with us." He winked at her then crushed the empty bag of chips and left to throw it away.

"Come on Doll," Axel chuckled, "Let's go rest like Doc wanted. I really don't want him upset with us for not listening. He has access to drugs." She looked at him shocked and he chuckled, "It's just a joke, he wouldn't but he may ground us from you for not taking proper care of you."

His phone rang so he walked away to answer then came back a few moments later, "Sorry Doll, got to go, there's a sick dolphin I need to go help take care of."

" work..." She sighed in frustration and he smiled softly.

"I own the aquarium yes," He nodded and he noticed how her eyes lit up. "Would you like to come help me and see the place?"

"Peas?" She asked bouncing on the couch excitedly. "I m...mea...mean please," She cleared her throat and settled down, squeezing the cat vampire tightly.

"Go get dressed for outside and you can come with me," He nodded chuckling as she squealed in excitement and raced up the stairs.


Their Little Sister's Best Friend (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now