Chapter 18

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Marc grabbed her ropes and gently lifted her then helped her ease down onto Axel's cock making him moan feeling her surround him. Marc chuckled, "Watch Beautiful," He said going back over to Brandon and ropes around Brandon's stomach. "Look Brandon, look how much she enjoys watching me take you," Marc smirked as he used the ropes and pulled Brandon down onto his cock.

"Fuck," Brandon groaned as he watched Axel start to rub Zoey's clit. "Oh shit."

"Yeah," Marc moaned stroking Brandon's cock, "Just imagine her taking your cock while I take your ass."

"Oh," Zoey gasped feeling Axel stretch her as she rode him. "Oh."

"Look Doll," Axel moaned clutching her hips, "Look at Marc fuck Brandon, you like that? Like watching them fuck each other."

"Yes," She moaned as she swiveled her hips.

"Look, look at Sean sucking Owen's cock, look Silas fuck North's mouth," Axel groaned watching her body move on his cock faster as he described the group, so she liked being talked to, interesting. "Watch Gabe suck off Luke and Raven fucking Corey's mouth. Victor's sucking Kota's cock so good."

"Nathan," She gasped watching him stroke himself. "Come here."

"Yes Peanut," He chuckled watching her lick her lips as he walked over to her.

She leaned over and started sucking him while Axel sped up his thrusts. "Fuck Doll, damn you take his cock so good."

"Fuck," Nathan moaned as he gripped her hair. "Fuck."

Axel slipped his finger into her ass and she moaned loudly around Nathan's cock then started moving even faster. "Oh Doll, oh fuck, she loves my finger in her ass while I fuck her," Axel groaned, "She's so fucking tight, shit, I'm not going to last. Shit Doll, fuck, damn you're taking cock so good."

She moaned as the feeling burned even more in her.

"Shit," Nathan erupted into her mouth, "Fuck she sucks cock too damn well," he moaned as he pulled out of her mouth. "Fuck Peanut you're a goddess."

She smiled as she swallowed and licked her lips, "Ahhh," She moaned watching Marc stroke Brandon's cock while he fucked him.

"That's it Doll," Axel moaned as he rubbed her clit, "Take my cock like the good girl you are, shit such a good girl taking my cock. Look at them Doll, they wish you were taking their cocks, do you want to? Do you want both of their cocks fucking you?" She moaned as she rode his cock, the images in her head and feeling his cock in her was starting to be too much. "Shit Doll, you're too fucking good," He groaned as he sped up, "that's it Doll, you're close aren't you? That's it, Doll, come. Come all over my cock," He demanded as she clenched down and moaned as she came. "Such a good girl coming on my dick." He held her as he erupted inside of her. He pulled out and chuckled as she whimpered. "Don't worry, you're about to be filled again."

"Bring her over," Marc demanded as he slowed his movements making Brandon groan. "Ride his cock Beautiful," he ordered as Axel carried her over. She gasped as she eased down on Brandon's cock.

"Shit," Brandon gasped, "So tight, shit, please Babe, please."

"Hear him Beautiful," Marc smiled, "Give him what he wants, fuck him, make him come."

"Yes Sir," She moaned as she slowly rode him still sensitive. "Oh, ahh, mhmm," She moaned as Marc rubbed her clit while she rode Brandon's cock.

"That's it, ride him, that's it," Marc encouraged. "Shit," He pulled out of Brandon and pressed up along side Brandon's cock. "Take both of us Zoey, that's it take our cocks."

"Oh my god," She gasped, "Both your cocks, oh."

"Shit, such a good girl," Brandon moaned, "Fuck Babe you got both our dicks in your pussy."

"Oh," She moaned as they both moved in her. "Oh please," she whimpered, "please, please."

"Cum," Brandon ordered as he came setting Marc off.

She gasped as she came. She went to grab him but couldn't rotate her wrists. "Popsicle," She winced and Marc nodded.

He lifted her off Brandon and started undoing the ropes. "Someone undo him," Marc said as he worked on undoing the designs, "There we go, Beautiful," He said as he reached her wrists.

He dropped the ropes and started rubbing her hands, "Thank you," She looked at him gratefully as he rubbed some cream Sean handed him were there was a little irritation from the ropes.

"Of course," he said, "That feel better?"

"Yes," She nodded. "I didn't know it could be that good," She admitted softly.

"It's never been that amazing for us either," Brandon smiled. "Fucking good yeah but you just made it amazing Babe," he kissed her then kissed Marc.

"How are feeling Darling?" Owen asked.

"Yeah Trouble, you just took four of us," Gabe smirked.

"I'm really good," she smiled as she leaned against Marc's chest.

"Yes you are," Nathan chuckled making her blush.

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