Chapter 14

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"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready to go to your class?" Brandon asked as he leaned against the doorframe of the garage and watched Zoey as she worked on her car.

"What?" She asked out of breath while she replaced the spark plugs. "What time is it?"

"Time for you to go get in the shower and get ready for your class," North said taking the old spark plug from her and pulled her off her car.

"Hey, I wasn't done," She pouted.

"You can finish when you get back from your classes," He growled as he gripped her hips tightly.

"Fine," She huffed and stormed off to the house.

North let out a groan and closed his eyes. "Yeah Man," Brandon chuckled as he pushed off the doorframe. "Exactly."

"Hey what's wrong?" Owen asked as Zoey came into the house later that evening, dropped her bag, rushed over to him and straddled him then curled up into his chest. He looked up at Kota who shook his head not knowing either.

"I no go back Daddy," She pouted and sniffled.

"Why Darling?" He asked rubbing her back to try and calm her down.

"They mean me," She pouted. "Day waf me no talk right."

"Oh," He said understanding, "You started stuttering and people started laughing?" and she nodded. "Alright, Darling, I'll have Kota make it to where you can finish school online here at home."

"Tank too Daddy," She sniffled into his shirt.

"You're welcome Darling," He said holding her close.

"What's wrong with Sweetie?" Corey asked coming into the room. "Did she not have a good day at school? I thought she liked those classes."

"Apparently some classmates where laughing at her stuttering," Kota said as he typed away on his laptop. "I'm switching her to online classes."

"Who?" Raven asked getting upset, "I hurt."

"No," Axel shook his head, "It's already taken care of, Kota is making it where she doesn't have to go back. Just drop it, Raven."

"Fine," He sighed as he stormed off.

Owen looked down and chuckled noticing she was asleep. "I think it took too much out of her to go back," he whispered. "That much stress can't be good for her."

"Good thing she isn't going back then," Silas whispered as he gently moved her out of Owen's lap and carried her to her room. He placed her vampire cat squishmallow beside her then left the room.

"How long are we going to let her nap?" Victor asked. "She can't sleep too long or she won't be able to sleep tonight."

"Let's just give her an hour or so," Axel said as he picked up his book.

Sure enough an hour later she came down rubbing her eyes and grabbed her bag then headed back up to her room. Kota followed and knocked on her door.

"Come in," She mumbled as she flipped through the pages of her book.

"You are being switched to classes online," He said softly.

"Thank you," She said opening her notebook. "I appreciate it."

"Of course," He nodded. "We are going to be starting dinner soon."

"Alright," She said as she started highlighting things in the book.

"How is she?" Owen asked as Kota came back into the room.

"Doing her schoolwork even though I told her the classes are being switched to online," He said sitting on the couch. "I'll drop off the assignments to the teachers tomorrow when I go up to the campus and confirm everything has been switched for her."

"Okay," Owen said as he went back to some paperwork on the desk.

"Dinner's ready," Marc called out an hour later. Zoey came down holding her cat vampire squishmallow and sat at the table. "What would you like to drink Beautiful?"

"I don't know," She answered holding her stuffed animal. "Just tired."

"Alright, I think an early bedtime for you," Victor said nodding, "You've had a long day."

"Thank you," She mumbled as picked up her fork. She sat it back down and pushed the knife over to Corey then picked her fork back up. Corey didn't say anything but moved it to the other side of his plate. After a couple of minutes of her just pushing her food around on her plate she sat her fork down, "Edward was in all my classes," She spoke softly. "He made some snide comments about how it's my fault Lincoln is dead."

"What did he say?" Axel asked.

"That it can't be rape if we are together and that if I had just listened the first time he told me to do something he wouldn't have to punish me so much and that since I agreed for him to be my master I have no right disputing his decisions," She mumbled as she twirled her fork. "If I had just let him do what he wanted then he wouldn't be dead and I was a shitty girlfriend."

"Hey you know he's lying right?" Corey asked moving her chair so she was facing him making her drop her fork.

"Yeah," She sighed, "But still..."

"A small part of you thinks he's right?" Sean asked and she nodded.

"Sorry, I need to just go lay down," She mumbled standing and headed to her room.

"Is there anything we can do?" Corey asked.

Sean shook his head, "No, just be there for her and help her see he isn't correct."

"She barely ate," North glared.

"Don't push it right now," Silas shook his head, "She will eat better tomorrow."

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