Chapter 8

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Zoey woke up and started to get up but hands on her butt made her stop. "Go back to sleep Baby," North's sleep filled voice came from beside her. She shook her head and he opened his eyes to look at her. She shook her head again and he removed his hand. "Silas let go, she needs to get up." Silas moved his hand and she sat up. "Bathroom?" North asked and she nodded. He got up and held his hands out. She nervously placed her hands in his and he smiled as he helped her get out. He pointed to the door and she shyly smiled.

She came out of the bathroom pulling the sleeves back down to cover her hands. She looked at North and Silas sitting on the side of the bed and gasped as memories came back. She gently touched her lips and tears filled her eyes, "S...s...s...sorry."

"Don't be Angelos Mou," Silas shook he head. "There is nothing to be sorry for."

"H...h..." She grabbed the sides of the shirt.

"I told you to," He said holding his hands out, "Come here Angelos Mou." She nervously walked over to him and he gently held her hips. "We told you to, you did nothing wrong. Do you feel better now that you got it out of your system?" She barely nodded, "Good. You didn't hurt us, we are used to helping Nathan with his mixed martial arts and we both box each other so you didn't hurt us, okay?" She nodded and he smiled. "Good girl."

"Now do you want to stay in this Baby?" North asked and she nodded. "Then let's just get some short on so you don't have to worry about how you sit." He reached down and grabbed the duffel bag of some clothes Jess packed. He opened it and began going through it. He pulled out some soft baby blue shorts that looked like they would barely cover her ass and shrugged. They weren't going anywhere so it was fine. Spotting something at the bottom he pulled it out and smiled. "I think you need this today, Baby," He said placing it on her head. She realized her it was her black cat ears and tensed up. "So cute," North smiled and tapped her nose.

"Very cute," Silas agreed smiling

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"Very cute," Silas agreed smiling. "She have a collar and tail in there?"

"Unfortunately not," North shook his head, "We may have to send Gabe to go shopping."

"Shopping?" Gabe asked suddenly appearing in the doorway making them chuckle. "What does our Trouble fucking want or need?"

"Kitten," Raven beamed coming into the room. "Cute Kitten."

"Leave her alone," North said as Silas stood and gently picked her up, making her wrap her legs around his waist. "She needs to eat."

"Morning Beautiful," Marc smiled, "what would you like for breakfast?"

"What do I need to fucking go shopping for?" Gabe asked following them into the room.

"Baby only has ears," North explained as Silas sat down making sure she didn't bump into the table. "Turn around Baby so you can eat. You can stay in Silas' lap."

"Morning Cupcake," Luke beamed coming into the room. "Oh, are we a Neko girl today?" She bit her lip and he chuckled, "Cute. Where's your collar and tail?"

"I don't think she has one," North said, "not in her bag anyway."

"Oh, time to go shopping," Gabe's eyes lit up. "I can get so many collars, tails, and other ears."

"No," Sean said coming into the room.

"I thought you had to be at the hospital," North said confused.

"I called in," Sean shrugged.

"Why can't I fucking go shopping?" Gabe asked confused and shocked.

"Can I hold you cute Neko?" Sean asked and she looked at Silas who nodded. She slid out of his lap and walked over to Sean who scooted back. She carefully sat down and gasped as he scooted her closer to him. "So cute," He smiled softly at her then gently tapped her nose making her wiggle it. "Cat parts are very special," He explained. "Normally they are bought by the Nekos themselves or by their Masters or Owners. Nekos don't accept them from just anyone, they are special."

"Like a collar for a sub," Axel said and he nodded.

"Oh," Gabe said understanding but they could see his mind was still racing. He was going to get her them anyway.

"Would Pookie like to watch Show By Rock?" Sean asked and her eyes lit up. "Alright, eat and then let's go find it."

"This some Japanese thing?" Brandon asked causing Axel and Kota to nod. "Alright, whatever," He shrugged and went back to drinking his coffee.

"Eggs and sausage Beautiful?" Marc asked and she nodded. "Runny or scrambled?"

She started signing and Luke smiled, "Either, it doesn't matter."

Sean's phone started ringing and he sighed. Holding her in place he pulled it out and rolled his eyes seeing the caller ID, "Dr. Green." He closed his eyes, "Fine." He hung up and sighed. "Sorry Pookie, but the hospital needs me to go save some lives."

"Give," Raven said scooting his seat back. Sean stood and gently placed her in his lap. "Cute Kitten," Raven smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair, frowning when they got caught on some tangles and she whimpered. "Gabe fix Kitten hair."

"Watch Show By Rock with the guys and I'll join when I get off, okay?" Sean asked and she looked up at him. "I promise they will like it." He kissed her nose making her wiggle it again and chuckled then left.

"Eat up Beautiful," Marc smiled as he placed the plate in front of Raven.

Raven scooped up some scrambled eggs and held it up to her mouth, "Eat Kitten."

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