Chapter 7

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Max's barking made them look up from what they were doing and take off to where he was barking. Luke pushed the door open more than it already was to see Max laying on top of Zoey and trying to nudge her hands away from her neck.

"Stop Angelos Mou," Silas said grabbing her hands. "Come on wake up." She pushed against him and weakly slapped him. "Don't," he said to Luke who came to try and stop her. "Let her get it out," Silas said as he sat there and accepted the weak blows. She gasped and froze when she completely woke up and realized what she was doing. "Keep doing it Zoey," He commanded placing her hands on his chest. "Let it out Angelos Mou." She weakly pushed him and he smiled while nodding, "Again," He encouraged so she pushed a little harder. "Good girl, again, come on show me what you got." She snapped and shoved him harder. He fell off the bed making everyone burst out laughing including him. "Great Angelos Mou," He smiled up at her, "Got anything else?" She got down straddled him and raised her fist then froze, "Do it Zoey," Silas nodded. "Hit me, Little One, let it out." She shook her head and he nodded. "Do it, don't keep it bottled up anymore. I can take it. Show me what you would have done to him if you could. Let it out."

"Do it," The rest of the guy encouraged and something in her snapped.

She punched his chest and he just laid there taking it all. After some time someone grabbed her and she swung on him. North just stood there and let her until she started to collapse. He caught her and whispered in her ear as he slowly lowered to the ground keeping her in his lap, "Good girl Baby. Such a good girl Baby." He ran his fingers through her hair while she sobbed. Once she cried herself to sleep North looked up at the group.

"How are you?" Sean whispered as Silas sat up.

"Fine," Silas shrugged and North nodded. "Think it helped?"

"Yeah," Axel nodded. "She will probably be embarrassed and nervous but it will definitely help her."

She whimpered and rubbed her face into North's chest then pouted. "Come on Baby, let's get you into something more comfy," He said gently as he pulled her back slightly. She whimpered and pouted making him chuckle. "Come on Baby, let's get you into some comfy clothes then I'll cuddle with you some more." She let out a whine but wrapped her arms around his neck then locked her ankles together. He smirked and held her while getting up.

"Here," Gabe said handing him a shirt and her fuzzy thigh high socks.

"Arms up Baby," North commanded softly and she raised her arms while keeping her eyes closed. Silas helped her take her shirt off while North stripped his off. North slipped the long sleeve shirt on her and barely groaned when he realized which one Gabe gave him.

"You're fucking welcome," Gabe chuckled as he picked up their tear soaked shirts and tossed them into the hamper.

"Sleep Baby," North said as he gently carried her to his bed and gently laid her down in the middle. He stood back for a second and took in her laying in his bed in the large long sleeve shirt with pink and white Baby Girl written across it and her thigh high fuzzy socks. He snapped a quick picture then got into bed when she started whimpering. "We're right here," He whispered as Silas got on the other side of her. "You're safe, we're here." They helped her roll over onto her stomach then each put a hand gently on her back and she smiled softly slipping into a deeper sleep.

"Shhhh she's still sleeping," North's voice slowly woke her

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"Shhhh she's still sleeping," North's voice slowly woke her. "If you wake her, I'll tell Jess."

"I need to check her wounds before I have to leave for the hospital," Sean whispered. "I don't want to wake her but replacing the bandages might wake her."

"Can't you just check when you back?" North asked as he moved his hand, accidentally touching one of the wounds causing her to flinch and whimper. "Never mind." He shifted and kissed the side of her head, "Wake up Baby, Doc needs to check your wounds." She groaned and rubbed her head into the pillow shaking her head. "Come on, be a good Baby and we can go back to sleep afterwards." She groaned and started to stretch but flinched as pain shot through her back.

"Stop Angelos Mou," Silas said gruffly as he woke up. "Be still and let Doc take the pain away."

"I had Kota make sure the both of you don't work today," Owen said as he came in. "You can stay with Zoey and help her get plenty of rest."

"Lift up just slightly Pookie so I can check your back," Sean said as she pouted when North and Silas moved their hands away. They slid their hands under her stomach and gently pushed up helping her while making sure her breasts were still covered while her back was exposed.

A sharp intake of air had them look and sure enough Sean and Owen both were taking a moment to gather themselves. A quick glance caused both North and Silas smirking when they saw her purple panties with grey hearts all over.

"Alright Pookie, I'm sorry this is going to hurt but I'll give you something for the pain," Sean said forcing himself to go into doctor mode. Owen helped him remove the bandages then Sean applied some ointment to the wounds caused from the whip. "They are looking a lot better," he said gently, "This has pain reliever in it so you should stop hurting soon." Owen helped him apply new bandages then North and Silas pulled the shirt back down. "You need to eat when you take these so you don't get sick," Sean said setting a pill bottle on the nightstand. "I'll come see you when I get back." He bent down and kissed the back of her head then Owen did.

"Try and get some more rest Darling," He said before leaving purposely ignoring the looks on North and Silas' face at the nickname.

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