Chapter 2

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Jess turned back to face Zoey, "I'm sorry Zo but I really have to get back to the bar. Let me introduce you to my brothers and you can stay with them until I get off, okay?"

"Okay," Zoey said nervously and she held Jessica's hands.

"We're up there," Luke said watching the girls closely.

"Luke Jess," Two tall men suddenly appeared in front of them. They both spoke with accents and their stance make Zoey very uncomfortable.

"Hey Raven and Silas," Jessica beamed freeing one hand and hugged them tightly. "Come on, I only got a few minutes before I get in trouble. Help me get Zoey up to you guys please."

"Come," the man named Raven smiled softly at Zoey and she looked at Jess scared. That upset Raven, he didn't want the tiny woman scared of him. She looked terrified of Silas also.

"Come on Zo, these are some of my older brothers as well. Remember I told you there are 14 of them."

"Okay," She meekly said clinging to the back of Jess' shirt.

Raven, Silas, and Luke surrounded the girls and escorted them back to their tables.

"Hey Sis," A large group of men smiled at Jessica.

"Who's your friend?" The man that looked like Jess asked curiously.

"This is my friend Zoey," She smiled as she pulled Zoey to her side. "Zo, this is my actual brother Kota and these are his best friends, my other older brothers. This is Owen Blackbourne, Dr. Sean Green, Nathan Griffin, Gabriel Coleman, Victor Morgan, Axel Toma, Marc Weiland, Silas Korba, North and you already met Luke Taylor, Raven Ravenstahl, and the twins Brandon and Corey Henshaw."

"Hi," They said in unison.

"Okay, Zo, I really have to go before I get in trouble," Jessica said looking at how busy the bar was getting. "Just hang out with them and I'll come get you once I'm done."

"But Jess," She said scared. "I...I"

Jessica smiled softly. "You can sign if you need to," She gently squeezed, "You already know Luke knows sign, Gabe does as well. If you really need to leave it's okay, the guys have a key to my place, go and I'll be there as soon as I get off. It's okay to leave, okay?"

Zoey smiled meekly and Jess hugged her then headed back to work.

"So Cupcake," Luke smiled as he motioned to a free spot at their tables, "How do you know Jess?"

"Um, school," She said after clearing her throat. She kept looking down at her hands.

"Do you have classes with her?" Kota asked and she nodded. "Have you been friends for long? Sorry if it's too personal, she just doesn't like to bring her friends around because she thinks we will scare them away or something."

"Couple years," She said looking around nervously while twirling her bracelets.

"Hey Zoey," Luke said trying to catch her attention. Once she looked at him he smiled softly, Would you like to go outside and get some fresh air? He signed and forced himself to not smile at her small sigh of relief. He wasn't sure if it was from him signing or asking her if she wanted to get out of here but he would take it then he noticed her tense up ever so slightly and forced himself to not frown.

That's okay I'm fine, enjoy your time here. Go dance or whatever you were doing before Jess brought me up here. I'm okay, thanks though, She signed then grabbed her water bottle.

"This isn't our kind of fucking place," The man named Gabriel said watching her. "We're only here to make sure Jess' ex doesn't show up and start shit. We would rather be at home or park or something like that. We have no fucking problem leaving if you want to get the hell out of here." She looked up at him shocked causing him to smirk. Now would you like to get the fuck out of here?

She quickly looked over at Jess who was busy serving customers and she heard someone behind her clear their throat. "I think half of us should stay here for Jess and the other take Zoey to Jess' place."

"Sounds good to me," She heard Luke say. "Zoey?" She turned to face him, "Is that fine with you?" She looked at him confused and he smirked, "Some of us are going to stay here for Jess and some of us are going to take you to Jess' place, okay?" She barely nodded and he held his hand out. "Go with my little brother North while I go let Jess know what's going on, okay?" he pointed over to North and she looked at him then back to Luke shocked. Luke chuckled, "Yeah I know but I promise I'm the older brother."

"Yeah, yeah," North growled then frowned slightly when he noticed she flinched at his tone. "Sorry."

"Zoey?" She looked over to Luke, I know he sounds mean but he really is more like big puppy or Grumpy Bear, he will keep you safe while I go talk to Jess.

She let out a giggle and nodded. "Do I even want to know?" North asked and Luke shook his head.

Their Little Sister's Best Friend (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now