Chapter 12

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"This is where you were staying?" Nathan asked looking at the apartment building.

"Yes," She nodded, "I know it's not the safest but it's what I could afford. Guess I need to start looking for another job now that I think about it."

"No," Owen shook his head, "You will work with us only if you want to. You need to focus on finishing your degree."

"Okay," She nodded. "I only had three more classes then I was done." She said as she climbed the stairs. "I don't have much, it was already furnished besides the bedroom stuff. I didn't stay here much anyway, I felt safer with Jess."

"I can see why," Silas muttered as he glared at some college boys who were being nosy. They quickly went back inside seeing him, North, and Raven.

"Here I am," She said unlocking the door on the third floor. "Like I said it's not much."

"It's fine, Trouble," Gabe said looking around. "Come on, let's get started on packing your stuff."

"I'm sensing Anime and Kawaii theme," Corey said looking around spotting some Naruto and Bleach stuff as well as Hello Kitty things.

"I can work with that," Gabe nodded as he started packing her stuff.

"YO SLUT!" A voice filled the apartment making her drop the Naruto hoodie she was holding. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!"

"Who are you?" North answered back, "and why are you yelling?"

"Where's the bitch?" The voice asked as Zoey came out of the bedroom.

"Edward," She said rushing over to North's side, secretly clutching the side of his shirt. "Wh...wh...what?"

"I know you are the one who snitched on Lincoln and got him killed by the drug dealers," Edward glared down at her. "Why did you do it? Because he was cheating on you? Well maybe if you would have given it up to him he wouldn't have fucking cheated on you Bitch."

"That's enough," North glared.

"Who the fuck are you?" Edward glared back. "Piece of friendly advice buddy, don't waste your time or energy on her. She's just a frigid clingy bitch who wont give you any. Give her just a little bit of attention and she wont leave you alone. Never wanted to go anywhere and always complained when he would make her go out. Annoying ass bitch who can't even talk right."

"I said that's enough," North growled grabbing him by the throat.

"Let go," Silas said walking over to North. North growled but dropped the man who started coughing.

"Fucking psycho," The man gasped in between coughs.

"I show psycho," Raven chuckled evilly as he stood over him and cracked his knuckles. The man paled and scurried out of the apartment. "Kitten."

"I...I...I...," Zoey gasped as she clutched the shirt she was wearing.

"Baby," North said rushing to her side.

"G...go...," She stuttered as he took her hands in his.

"Alright, we'll go home," he nodded. "The rest of the guys can pack up your stuff."

"Peas," She whispered in his ear as he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Of course Little One," He whispered back as he left the apartment.

"Tank too Daddy," She whispered tightening her grip on him.

"You're welcome Baby Girl," He whispered as he placed her in his Jeep. "We're going home."

"Homey," She pouted as she held his hand.

"Yes," He said as he pulled out onto the highway.

"Daddy?" She asked playing with his rings.

"Yes Baby Girl?" He asked noticing a car following a few cars back.


"We're okay," He nodded internally sighing when he realized it was Victor's car and Marc's was behind him with Blackbourne following. She went back to looking out the window while he drove. He saw her have a sigh of relief when he pulled back up to their mansion. It made him happy that she felt safe at their place. "Baby Girl," he spoke softly. She turned to face him and he smiled. "We're home."

"Yay," She yawned while stretching, "Home."

He walked around and picked her up. "Daddy," She smiled seeing Victor, Marc, and Owen come over to them. "Daddies."

"Hey Princess," Victor smiled as they walked into the house.

A couple of hours later she looked up from where she was coloring as she heard cars pull up. "Hey Daddies!" She smiled as they came in.

"Hi," They called looking at her then North who nodded. She was sitting in Owen's lap coloring.

"Here's your milky," Marc said as he went over to her with a sippy cup. She spit out the pacifier and took the cup while leaning against Owen.

Their Little Sister's Best Friend (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now