Chapter 15

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"Where's Baby?" North asked as he came into the living room.

"She said something about getting use to Ghost again whatever the fuck that means," Gabe shrugged as he continued to focus on the drawing he was working on. "Raven and Doc are with her."

"She's driving?" North asked and Gabe shrugged.

Just then North's phone rang, "Crow?"

"Get here now," Raven chuckled, "Kitten speed demon." He hung up and then looked down at his phone while Gabe grabbed his since it was going off. He saw Raven sent a location to everyone to meet up.

North grabbed his keys and headed out to the location. An hour and half later he pulled up to an abandoned racetrack and got out. "Where the—"

"What's going on?" Luke asked as the group walked through the building.

"Made it," Raven chuckled as everyone met up.

"What's going on Raven?" Corey asked.

Just then there was a roar of a loud engine and they turned to see a car racing towards them then come to an abrupt stop right in front of them. "Hey Guys," Zoey smiled as she climbed out of the window and sat on the door looking at them over the car. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We can ask you the same thing," Luke chuckled.

"Oh, I finished fixing Ghost so Raven told me we needed to test her out so yeah," She shrugged, "here we are, I'm just getting use to her again."

"I've been making sure she's fine," Sean nodded. "She's...." He chuckled and shook his head.

"Let's see what you got Raven," She smirked and winked at him. "I wanna know why they keep telling you not to drive the Russian way."

"Oh Kitten," He chuckled as he pulled his car keys out of his pocket.

"I don't want to just go in circles though," She pouted, "it's no fun."

"Fine," Luke chuckled, "I know where you can go."

"How about you follow me," She beamed, "I know the perfect place."

"Alright," Luke nodded. "Let's see what you got."

"Let's see if you can stay with me," She giggled as she got back into her car and started it.

"Lucian," North growled.

"What?" He asked innocently while Owen shook his head.

She pulled out of the abandoned race track and out onto the road. Once she was sure they were all in their cars she giggled and took off. Man it felt so good to be behind the wheel of her car again. Seeing the distance growing between them she laughed and turned on her music. Turning it up she started dancing along as she drove. Just as she started getting comfortable she burst into laughter seeing Raven's car start to gain on her.

Deciding to play with him she let him pass and once she knew he thought he had her beat she floored it, got past him then began to weave back and forth in front him every time he tried to pass. Knowing what was ahead she shrugged and laughed as she took the sharp turn making the car go on two wheels. She landed and laughed knowing at that moment North was losing his shit. She sped down the deserted road and checked the rearview mirror and saw Raven behind her and she smirked knowing he was smiling with a shit eating grin on his face. She pulled to a stop in front of an old rundown mansion that looked abandoned. She killed her car, got out and leaned against the driver door with a sly smile on her face as Raven pulled up in front of her.

"Kitten," He grinned as he strolled over to her.

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR GODDAMN MIND WOMAN!!!!" North bellowed as he hopped out of his car and stormed over to her.

"I'm sorry," She whispered as she looked down at her shoes and started trembling. He lifted her head and once she was looking at him, he slammed his lips against hers. He pinned her against the car as his mouth devoured hers. Once he was certain she was breathless he barely pulled away and growled, "Don't ever do that again."

"Yes Sir," she breathed and he kissed her pouring all his fear and anger into her.

He pulled away and took a few steps back. "Move," Raven chuckled shoving North to the side, "Do again Kitten," He kissed her so softly she was thrown for a loop. "We do again," He smirked as he ran his thumb gently across her swollen bottom lip.

"No," North growled.

"Da," Raven chuckled.

"Anyway, where the hell are we?" Nathan asked trying to break up the tension.

"My family's old place," She said after clearing her throat. "I haven't been back since I was a child. I guess it's technically mine now."

"It's bigger than our place," Gabe said looking at it.

"I guess I could fix it up," She shrugged as she unlocked the door. "I mean I could if I wanted to."

"Do you know how expensive it would be to restore this place?" Kota asked as they walked in.

"Oh I'm not worried about money," She shook her head. "I'm set for a few lifetimes to say the least."

"Then why were you living in that crappy apartment?" Gabe asked.

"How are you set for a few lifetimes?" Kota asked curiously.

"Oh I guess, I never properly introduced myself," Zoey blushed, "Sorry, how rude of me." She cleared her throat and stood straight up. "I'm Zoelynn Amara Bexley, Princess of Xetra."

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