Chapter 9

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"Come on Trouble, let's get your hair brushed," Gabe said when she refused to eat anymore for Raven. She followed him to the living room, "Sit while I go get a brush." He came back a few moments later and looked at her confused, "Isn't that uncomfortable?" He looked down at her. She was kneeling on her knees and toes with her butt on her heels. Her fingers were intertwined together on top of her things. "Get comfortable Trouble." She looked at him scared and confused. "Don't fucking sit like that Zoey, it's not good for your goddamn body. Get fucking comfortable." She watched him scared as she shifted, spreading her thighs making her feet go on each side of her ass while it lowered to the floor. She undid her hands and curled her fingers into her palms then placed each one inside of her thighs on the carpet. She continued to watch him as he smiled. "Comfy Trouble?" he asked refusing to move so he didn't startle her. She nodded and he beamed, "Fucking great," He slowly walked over to her and sat behind her. "Is it okay if I remove your ears to brush your hair then put them back Zoey?" She barely nodded and he said calmly, "Thank you." He slowly removed her cat ears and placed them beside her. He forced himself to not make a sound when he placed the brush on her head and she flinched. He just slowly brushed her hair while watching the guys who noticed. After a few moments they watched her relax under his touch and she even started scooting a little closer to him.

Once he was done he placed her cat ears back on and the front door opened, "Hey Zo Zo!" Jess called out as she came into the living room, "Whoa, hey Zo," She beamed seeing her in front of Gabe with her cat ears on, "Hey Girl," She beamed seeing how relaxed and happy she looked. "How are you feeling?"

Okay I think, I don't really know for sure. Zoey signed without raising her hands.

Come on let's go talk, Jess signed back then motioned upstairs with her head.

Zoey nodded and stood. They went upstairs and Gabe let out a soft groan. "You and me both," Luke chuckled as he plopped down beside him. "So she's a little and a Neko."

"Fucking adorable," Gabe smirked.

"So what's up?" Jess asked as she plopped down on the bed. "You are looking better."

"I don't know," Zoey said as she played with the bottom of the long shirt.

"Talk to me," Jess said grabbing a pillow and placing it in her lap. "What's up?"

"I punched North and Silas," Zoey blurted out then covered her face. "Like a lot!"

"Really?" Jess asked shocked and she nodded. "How did that happen?"

"I don't really know. I was dreaming I was hitting Lincoln and next thing I know I hear Silas' voice telling me to wake up and I shoved him thinking it was Lincoln. I realized it was Silas and he told me to do it again and I did. I shoved him off the bed Jess and he just laughed then asked if I had anything else so I just snapped and started punching him while crying and then North grabbed me and I punched him also! I can't believe I did that!" She said horrified.

"Do you feel better though?" Jess asked and Zoey nodded. "That's exactly why they did that. Trust me they are my personal punching bags also."

"What?" Zoey asked shocked removing her hands from her face and got on the bed with her.

Jess shrugged, "They do the same with me. I tend to keep everything bottled up and when they can tell it gets to be too much Nathan, Raven, North, and Silas make me take it out on them. They can handle it. Nathan has black belts in pretty much everything, well you already know Raven's family is Russian mafia and well Silas and North are just freaking buff ass giants who love to box. Trust me you didn't hurt them and they would rather you take it out on them or with them then do something that can hurt you." She chuckled, "I can't believe you are wearing that shirt."

"This?" Zoey asked looking down at it. "North put it on me afterwards while I was trying to stop crying."

"Zo, the guys are poly Daddy Doms," Jess chuckled. "I got that for him as a joke and he said one day they would find a girl to wear it. I honestly thought he didn't have it anymore."

"He just wanted me to be comfortable," Zoey shrugged.

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