Chapter 5

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Zoey opened her eyes later that day and her eyes widened when she saw Lincoln's precious class ring sitting on the nightstand. How did it end up there? He never took it off. Now that she thought about it she didn't want to think about it. She thought she saw a smear of blood on it but the way the light was hitting it she couldn't be sure and she didn't want to touch it to confirm if it was or not. Her stomach turned and she raced to the bathroom. After throwing up she lifted her head and looked at her hands. There was still blood on them. Her skin crawled at the memories came back. She crawled into the shower and turned it on. She needed to get his touch off of her. She wanted to forget him, his touch, everything about him. She grabbed the loofah and started scrubbing. No matter how much she tried she couldn't get his touch off. Ugh, why could she still feel him? She tried scrubbing harder while the tears poured out of her. Why wouldn't his touch come off? It was like it was imprinted on her.

"Stop Kitten," a deep voice said as hands stilled her hands. She looked up into dark brown eyes, "Stop."

"He...he....he wo...wo..c..c...," She shivered as the tears continued to pour out of her.

"I wash off," He nodded as he stepped into the shower fully clothed. "I get off."

"RAVEN!" Corey and Sean shouted as they came into the room making her jump.

"Nyet that," He huffed in annoyance.

"Then what did you mean and why are you in the shower with her? Get out Raven," Sean demanded.

"She raw Doc," Raven growled. "I wash touch off."

"Oh," Sean said while Corey went to grab Sean's bag for him. "Be careful taking her bandages off Raven, I'll put more on when you're done. How did you know anyway Raven?"

"I hear cry," Raven shrugged as he shut the curtain so she would stop shivering. "No cold no sick."

"Here Big Guy," Gabe said sticking his hand holding a bottle, "This will help with her sensitive skin. If she's okay with it, I'll wash her hair."

"Gabe wash hair Kitten?" Raven asked gently. "He do all hair. Make stuff all time." She barely nodded so Raven said, "Da Gabe." A few seconds later Gabe got in and she noticed he remained clothed as well and both respected her privacy.

"I'll go get us clothes," Gabe said once he was done rinsing the conditioner out of her hair.

"Here's yours Gabe," Sean said holding out a towel, "Luke gave them to me to give to you."

"Thanks Doc," He said stripping and drying off. "Her wounds look like they are healing fine."

"Appreciate it," She heard Sean said as they left the room.

"Kitten okay?" Raven asked loving how she clutched his sides but also mad about why she was. She shook her head and he nodded, "Okay nyet okay. Mad Raven?"

"W...W...W," She sighed and started signing but he shook his head.

"Nyet know hand talk," He explained. "Why mad me?" He asked and she nodded. "I kill." She looked at him shocked and he shrugged, "He hurt Kitten, I show I professional Russian. No hurt Kitten no more." Her mouth dropped open and she blinked at him in shock. "Mad Kitten?"

"Give her time to accept it Raven," Jess said pushing the curtain open. "Come on Zo Zo, let's get you dried off and in some comfy clothes so you don't get sick. Raven...whoa Raven you are actually dressed." She looked at him shocked. Zoey looked at her in confusion so she chuckled, "Raven has zero care about showing off his body. I don't want to think about all the times I've accidentally seen him naked so it shocked me to see him dressed. Thank you Raven."

"Da Sis," Raven nodded as he pulled his shirt off. "No scare Kitten."

"She appreciates it I'm sure," Jess called as she led Zoey out of the bathroom. A few moments later Raven came out dried off and in dry clothes. "She's in my room resting. That took a lot out of her."

"Da," Raven nodded as he started to leave the room.

"Leave her alone Raven," Jess shook her head, "Doc gave her something to help with the pain and said it will make her sleep."

"Fine," He huffed and headed to the living room.

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