Chapter 13

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"Hey Trouble," Gabe said as he came into the living room where she was in the window seat reading. She looked up at him as did the rest of the group. "What the fuck do these keys go to?" He asked as he help up a lanyard with keys and various keychains on them.

"Oh," She smiled sadly, Just part of my past.

"What past?" He asked.

"Something I used to do," She said opening her book back up trying to drop the subject.

"Are those car keys?" North asked taking the keys from Gabriel. "You have a car Baby?"

"Yeah, but I don't drive anymore," She said trying to focus on the book.

"Why not?" Luke asked.

"I'm not allowed," She said emotionless.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Gabe asked confused.

She huffed in annoyance and shut the book since she wasn't going to be able to get back into it until she answered all their questions. "The government has decided that I am not allowed to have my license anymore because I tend to not follow their rules when it comes to driving."

"Kitten race?" Raven asked eye lighting up in excitement.

"Oh I have to see this," Luke giggled.

"Come on, I want to see your pretty little car," North beamed taking the book from her hands and pulled her up. "Where is it?"

"The storage key is on there," she motioned to the lanyard. "You may not like what you see in there North, just so you know."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you tend to be a bit overprotective," She shrugged and sat back down to put her shoes on.

"She has a point," Nathan chuckled. "Come on Peanut, show us your secrets."

They pulled up to the storage building and she unlocked it then opened the unit door and stepped back.

"Holy shit Babe this is a Shelby GT 500," Brandon gasped as he walked around the silver car. "This is Elanor from Gone in Sixty Seconds!"

"Yep," She nodded smiling fondly at the car.

"What's in this?" Kota asked gently kicking a trunk that was in the back.

"Oh, that," She giggled, "I um... Iusetorace," She said quickly hoping he would drop it.

"You used to what?" North asked not believing what he just heard.

"I no longer do it," She shrugged as Luke grabbed the keys from Gabe and started to open it.

He pulled out a racing suit that was black and purple and held it up.

"YOU GHOST?" Raven asked shocked.

"Um, yeah...." She bit her lip and started twirling her hair around her fingers.

"Nope," North shook his head, "there's no way Baby is Ghost, she wouldn't risk her life so recklessly with those dangerous stunts Ghost did racing. There's no way."

"I beg to differ," Brandon said opening another trunk and pulled out her helmet and other racing suits plus some trophies. "So, does she still run?" he asked her as he ran his fingers over the car.

"I haven't driven in—"

"4 years," Raven answered. "Ghost go ghost."

"Yeah," She answered softly as she popped the hood, "I'll have to change the spark plugs, get a new battery, change the oil, new tires of course—"

"You work on cars?" Brandon asked and she nodded.

"Fucking hell Baby," North groaned. "You are something else."

"I think we should get her all fixed up and see for ourselves that you are Ghost," Brandon chuckled, "I have to see you go against Raven."

"I legally can't drive," She shook her head.

"I know where go," Raven chuckled.

"Alright," She smirked and nodded, "Let me get Ghost tuned up and I'll race you."

"Baby," North trailed off as she walked over to him.

"You asked me to trust you so now I'm asking you to trust me," She spoke softly. "Please North."

"Fine," He sighed as he placed his hands on her hips. "Let's get your car all fixed up."

"I'll see what needs to be do to get you license back," Owen nodded coming over to her. "But then you have to follow the laws on driving."

"Fine," She huffed, "But people can be so slow," She whined and he rolled his eyes.

"Great, we have another Raven," Victor burst out laughing while Raven chuckled.

Gabe clapped his hands, "Alright, North, Brandon go get the damn flatbed so you can take the car back to the fucking shop, we have the trucks, we can load this shit up and take everything back fucking home. Got any more secrets you trying to fucking keep from us Trouble?"

She shook her head, "No Sir," She started playing with the hem of the long sleeves.

"So damn cute," North mumbled as he started to walk off with Brandon.

"What's hiding back here?" Marc suddenly asked making them stop in their tracks and turn around.

"Oh that's Viper," Zoey said nibbling on her thumb sheepishly.

"And who's Viper Babe?" Brandon asked suspiciously.

"My Harley," She mumbled suddenly finding her shoes interesting.

"Your Harley?" Silas asked while Brandon went to help Marc pull it out.

"Viper is a Harley XR-750," Brandon called out, "She's nice for racing once we get her fixed up."

"I thought you said you didn't have any more secrets, Baby," North said shaking his head.

"I forgot she was in here?" Zoey asked.

North growled, "You Little Girl..."

She looked up at him innocently, "Yes?"

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